Life Science Journal
Volume 8 - Number 1 (Cumulated No. 24), February 15, 2011
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Role of Selenium in Attenuating Cardiac and Hepatic
Damages Induced By the Antitumor Agent, Doxorubicin
Safinaz S. Ibrahim*, Maged A. Barakat
and Hebatalla M. Helmy
Biochemistry Department, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Cairo
Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: Background and
Objectives: The
clinical use of doxorubicin, one of the most effective
antitumor agents, soon proved to be hampered by such
serious problems as the development of
cardiomyopathy and liver damage. The current study aims at
evaluating the role of trace element, selenium, in
attenuating cardiac and hepatic damages induced by the
antitumor agent, doxorubicin. Materials and Methods: Animals were divided into normal
control group and doxorubicin -treated group injecting
doxorubicin i.p. as 6 equal doses of 2.5 mg/kg, twice weekly/ 3
weeks. The doxorubicin - treated animals were divided into 2
groups, one kept without further treatment (doxorubicin
-group), second group, (doxorubicin + selenium) received selenium (Na Selenite) 0.5 mg/kg orally, 3
times/week/4 weeks including one week before the doxorubicin 1st
dose. Serum creatine phosphokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, as
cardiac damage markers, and alanine aminotransferase, as
indicator of hepatic damage, were measured. Malondialdehyde and
nitric oxide levels,
as cardiac oxidative status indices, cardiac glutathione
content, glutathione peroxidase,
glutathione-S–transferase and superoxide dismutase
activities, as measures for cardiac antioxidant capacity, were
also investigated. Histopathological changes in cardiac and liver
tissues were examined. The results were analyzed statistically
by one-way analysis of variance with subsequent multiple
comparisons using Tukey test. Results: doxorubicin induced
significant increase in serum lactate dehydrogenase; creatine phosphokinase; alanine aminotransferase activities,
cardiac nitric oxide, malondialdehyde levels, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione-S–transferase activities,
and reduction in glutathione content.
Selenium co-administration caused significant decrease in serum lactate dehydrogenase and creatine phosphokinase levels;
normalization of serum alanine
aminotransferase; significant decrease in cardiac malondialdehyde, nitric
oxide levels, glutathione
peroxidase, glutathione-S–transferase, superoxide dismutase activities and
significant elevation in cardiac glutathione content, compared to doxorubicin -treated group
values. Histopathological
examination of cardiac and liver tissues supported the previous
biochemical results. Conclusions: Chronic doxorubicin
administration caused cardiomyopathy and hepatic damage.
co-administration produced partial, but significant, protection
against cardiomyocyte damage; however, it alleviated hepatic
damage-induced by the antitumor agent, doxorubicin.
[Safinaz S.
Ibrahim, Maged A. Barakat and Hebatalla M. Helmy. Role of Selenium in Attenuating Cardiac and Hepatic
Damages Induced By the Antitumor Agent, Doxorubicin. Life Science Journal
2011;8(1):1-12]. (ISSN: 1097-8135).
Key words: Doxorubicin, cardiomyopathy, liver
damage, selenium
The Impacts
of Globalization on Rural Communities of Kermanshah Township, Iran
Jafar Azizi1,
Seyed Rahim Taimoori2, Abdolhamid Papzan3,
and Mohammad Sadegh Allahyari*4
1, 4 Department of Agricultural Management,
College of
Agriculture, Islamic
Azad University,
Branch, Iran
2Department of Social Sciences,
Tehran University, Iran
3Department of Agricultural Extension
& Education, College
of Agriculture, Razi
Abstract: Globalization, as a process, analyzed in consideration
of communicative instruments, development possibilities, and
the expanded nature of capitalism. The purpose of this study
was to investigate impacts of globalization on economical and
cultural aspects of rural communities in
Kermanshah Township. The study represented correlation
research. The statistical population of this research was
selected among 700 villages located in
Kermanshah Township.
Among these, 30 villages were selected in three different
regions for gathering data by multi-stage sampling. For data
analysis multivariate procedures were used. This research
examined eight factors of agro-industrialization,
increasing in poverty and inequality, change in employment
patterns, economic restructuring, role of nation-state, role of
media, cultural universalism, cultural particularize and their
impacts on rural communities progress. The results showed that there
was a significant correlation between independent and dependent
variables (p<0.01). On the base of regression analysis
independent variables can be predicted 62 percent of changes in
dependent variable. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
certificated regression analysis results. Path analysis results
showed that the model fitted the data with acceptable fit
indices: chi square=5.341, p=0.376, RMSEA=0.013,
CFI=1.000, NFI=0.992.
[Jafar Azizi1, Seyed Rahim Taimoori,
Abdolhamid Papzan and Mohammad Sadegh Allahyari. The Impacts
of Globalization on Rural Communities of
Kermanshah Township, Iran. Life Science Journal.
2011;8(1):13–19] (ISSN: 1097 – 8135).
Keywords: Globalization,
Rural communities, economical and cultural impacts, Structural
Equation Modeling, Iran
Sense of Community and Participation
for Tourism Development
Fariborz Aref
School of
Management and
Economics, Science and Research Branch,
University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: This article investigated the
relationship between sense of community and level of
participation in tourism activities in
Shiraz, Iran.
Pearson correlation has been used to determine the relationship
between these variables. The findings through survey
questionnaire showed that there are significant relation
between sense of community and level of participation for local
tourism development. According to the results, sense of community
can have a catalytic effect on development of tourism industry
through enhancement of local participation.
[Fariborz Aref. Sense of Community
and Participation for Tourism Development. Life Science Journal 2011;8(1):20-25].
(ISSN: 1097-8135).
Keywords: sense of community, participation,
tourism development
Concentration of zinc and
boron in corn leaf as affected by zinc sulfate and boric acid
fertilizers in a deficient soil
Farshid Aref
Department of Soil
Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic
Azad University,
Fars, Iran,
Zinc (Zn) and
boron (B) deficiency is one of the most widespread micro
nutritional disorders in crops, and occurs predominantly in
calcareous soils of arid and semiarid regions. A field
experiment with maize plant grown on Zn and B deficient soil was
carried out in a calcareous soil at Fars Province, Iran. This
work aimed to study the interaction effect of Zn and B on the
concentration of Zn and B in the maize leaf during 2008.
Treatments included five levels of Zn (0, 8, 16 and 24 kg ha−1
Zn added to the soil and Zn foliar spray
0.5 weight percent
of zinc sulfate) and four levels of B (0, 3, and 6 kg ha−1
B added to the soil and B foliar spray
0.3 weight percent
of boric acid) in a completely randomized block design. The
findings showed that application of Zn, B, and Zn−B interaction
on the B concentration in the leaf was insignificant. Zinc
spraying increased Zn concentration in the leaf but adding Zn to
the soil had no significant effect on it. Presence of B
prevented from the increase in Zn concentration in the leaf;
that is, an antagonism was seen between the Zn and B. Boron
application decreased leaf Zn content and this increase was not
influenced by the amount of Zn. Zinc use at no presence B in the
soil (zero B and B spraying levels) increased leaf Zn content.
[F. Aref.
Concentration and uptake of zinc and boron in corn leaf as
affected by zinc sulfate and boric acid fertilizers in a
deficient soil. Life Science Journal 2011; 8(1): 26−31]. (ISSN:
Foliar nutrition, Zinc deficiency, Nutrients concentration,
Interaction. |
[ZHAO Jie, YU Zu-jiang, KAN Quan-cheng, LI Xiao-fei, LI Zhi-qin,
LIANG Hong-xia. A
retrospective study: The Influence of human immunodeficiency
virus co-infection with hepatitis C virus or hepatitis B virus
on the efficacy with HAART in China AIDS area.
Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):27-31] (ISSN:1097-8135).
For this article, please see:
Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):420-424
The Role of 4G/5G Genetic Polymorphism
of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Gene in Myocardial
Infarction among Egyptians
Somaia Ismail1; Amira A.
Abdel azeem*2; Mona A. Abdel Hamid 3;
Shahira R. Nowier 2 and Heba Morad4
Molecular Genetics Department1,
National Research Centre, Genetics2and Medical
Biochemistry3departments, Research Institute of
Ophthalmology, Internal medicine Department4, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract: Objectives: To assess weather the
common polymorphic allele (4G) of plasminogen activator
inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) gene is associated with myocardial
infarction (MI) and with PAI-1 enzyme level in Egyptian
patients. Methods: Fifty consecutive patients who presented
with acute MI and 48 normal control subjects were included.
Clinical features were examined, PAI-1 4G/5G gene polymorphism
was detected using polymerase chain reaction and PAI-1 levels
with other risk factors were determined in all subjects.
Results: Patient age averaged 51 (±SD 10.4) years, 68% were men
and 46% had a family history of MI. Overall frequency of 4G
allele was 60.4% among
patients versus 51.0% among normal controls. There was no
significant difference in genotype distribution (4G/4G, 4G/5G
and 5G/5G), (P=0.34) and allele frequency (P=0.191) between patients with
myocardial infarction and controls. Neither carriage of 4G
allele (OR=1.46; 95% CI: 0.83-2.59; p=0.191) nor 4G/4G homozygosity (OR= 1.73; 95% CI:
0.684-4.36; p=0.245) was associated with MI. There was a
significant increase of PAI-1enzyme level (p<0.001) among
patients than the control group and the plasma levels of the
enzyme were highest in myocardial infarction patients who were
homozygous for the 4G allele (4.3±3.5) with a stepwise decrease
in levels as the number of 4G alleles decreased; (3.6±2.3) for
4G/5G and (2.6±1.8) for 5G/5G; however the difference was not
statistically significant (F=0.82, P=0.45); and even the
increased mean level of PAI-1enzyme in patients with
4G/4G genotype than in patients with 5G/5G genotype; was not
statistically significant (P=0.568).The study revealed also
increased frequency of smoking (P= 0.001), family history of
myocardial infarction (P=0.03) and hypertension (P = 0.016)
among patients than controls. In multivariate analyses, risk factors
associated with MI were smoking; hypertension and high level of
PAI-1 enzyme. Conclusion: The common PAI-1
polymorphism (4G) was not associated with MI in Egyptian
population, however modest risk (i.e., OR, =1.46) could not be
excluded. Increased level of PAI-1enzyme, smoking and
hypertension are significant risk factors for myocardial
infarction among Egyptians.
[Somaia Ismail; Amira A. Abdel
azeem; Mona A. Abdel Hamid; Shahira R. Nowier and Heba Morad. The
Role of 4G/5G Genetic Polymorphism of Plasminogen Activator
Inhibitor-1 Gene in Myocardial Infarction among Egyptians.
Life Science Journal. 2011; 8(1):32-39] (ISSN:
Keywords: Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1enzyme
- Genetic polymorphism- Myocardial infarction
Severe Anemia in Children
Infected With Malaria in Taiz - Yemen and Its
Relation to Age, Parasitaemia and Eosinophilia
AM. Elbadr*1,
Amal. M. Abdo. Elmatary 1, N.A. Saif 2,
E. Mahmoud 3, R. Osman 1
1 Dept. of parasitology,
Fac. of Med., Assiut
Assiut, Egypt
2 Dept. of parasit.,
Microbiol. Fac. of Med., 3Dean of Fac. of Nursing,
Taiz University.Yemen
Abstract: In Yemen, about 12 million
individuals live in endemic areas of malarias, out of them more
than 90% were due to Plasmodium falciparum (WHO, 2001 a).
Malaria continues to be a major health problem in Yemen
.Severe anemia in malaric children occurs more frequently than
cerebral malaria (Laurence et al, 1994). The aim of this work is to
detect the relation of severe anemia in malaric patients <
5ys with the parasitaemia level of Plasmodium falciparum. This
research was done in Alsewedi pediatric hospital in Taiz governorate
from January to September 2008, for 100 admitted cases,
results, of this study indicated the strong relation of severe
anemia in falciparum malaric children to age < 5ys and there
was no relation between the severe anemia in falciparum malaric
children to the parasitaemia level .There was strong relation
between younger ages and low level of Hb (P<0.05). These
finding suggest that increase level of parasitaemia not related
to severe anemia in P falciparum malaria. Also younger ages
<5ys has strong relation to severe anemia Hb<5g per ul in
falciparum malaria.
[AM. Elbadr, Amal. M. Abdo. Elmatary, N.A. Saif,
E.Mahmoud, R. Osman. Severe Anemia in Children Infected With
Malaria in Taiz - Yemen and Its
Relation to Age, Parasitaemia and Eosinophilia. Life
Science Journal. 2011; 8(1):40-43] (ISSN: 1097–8135).
Keywords: severe malaria, parasitaemia,
severe anemia
Molecular Biological and Biochemical Studies
on Avian Influenza Virus Receptors in Different Avian Species
Hussein I.
El-Belbasi*; Mohamed F. Dowidar and Safaa I.
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Zagazig
University, Egypt
Avian influenza
viruses are considered to be the key contributors to the
emergence of human influenza pandemics. A major determinant of
infection is the presence of virus receptors on susceptible
cells to which the viral haemagglutinin is able to bind. Avian
viruses preferentially bind to sialic acid α 2,3-galactose
(SA α 2,3-Gal) linked receptors, whereas human strains
bind to sialic acid α 2,6-galactose (SA α 2,6-Gal)
linked receptors. Although ducks are the major reservoir for
influenza viruses, they are typically resistant to the effects
of viral infection, in contrast to the frequently severe
disease observed in chickens In order to understand whether
differences in receptors might contribute to this observation,
we studied the expression of influenza receptors in upper and
lower respiratory organs of ducks and chickens (expression of ST3Gal-III sialyltransferase and ST6Gal-I
sialyltransferase genes) using semi quantitative RT-PCR. There was a marked difference
in the expression of primary receptor type in the trachea of
chickens and ducks. In chicken trachea, SA α 2,6-Gal was
the dominant receptor type whereas in ducks SA α 2,3-Gal
receptors were most abundant. This suggests that chickens could
be more important as an intermediate host for the generation of
influenza viruses with increased ability to bind to SA α
2,6-Gal receptors and thus greater potential for infection of
humans. Chicken tracheal and intestinal epithelial cells also
expressed a broader range of SA α 2,3-Gal receptors in
contrast to ducks, which suggests that they may be able to
support infection with a broader range of avian influenza
[Hussein I.
El-Belbasi; Mohamed F. Dowidar and
Safaa I.
Khater. Molecular Biological and Biochemical Studies on
Avian Influenza Virus Receptors in Different Avian Species.
Life Science Journal. 2011; 8(1):44-51] (ISSN:
Keywords: Host receptors, influenza, chicken,
duck, ST3Gal-III sialyltransferase, ST6Gal-I
sialyltransferase, gene expression
Design and validation of Real Time
Neuro Fuzzy Controller for stabilization of Pendulum-Cart
Tharwat O.
S. Hanafy
Computers and Systems Engineering
Department, Al-Azhar
Cairo, Egypt,
Abstract: This paper presents an application of
how to design and validate a real time neuro fuzzy controller
of complex a nonlinear dynamic system using the Matlab-Simulink
Real-Time Workshop environment. Once the controller is obtained
and validated by simulation, it’s implemented to control
the pendulum-cart system. Design of a neuro fuzzy controller is
considered in this work because of its insensitivity to disturbances
and uncertainties of model parameters. The design and
optimization process of neuro fuzzy controller are based on an
extended learning technique derived from adaptive neuro fuzzy
inference system (ANFIS). The design and implementation of this
pendulum-cart control system has been realized under
MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. The experimental results
demonstrate the efficiency of this design procedure and the
ensured stability of the system.
[Tharwat O. S. Hanafy. Design and validation of Real Time
Neuro Fuzzy Controller for stabilization of Pendulum-Cart
System. Life Science
Journal. 2011; 8(1):52–60] (ISSN: 1097–8135).
Keywords: design
and validate; real time neuro fuzzy controller; nonlinear
dynamic system
Analyzing Farm Management Skills in Poultry Production
Enterprises in Iran
Mohammad Sadegh Allahyari1*,
Mohammad Sadegh Saburi2 and Fatholah Keshavarz3
1Young Researchers Club, Islamic
Branch, Iran
2 Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Islamic
University, Garmsar Branch, Garmsar, Iran
3 Technical-Vocational Higher Education, Mirzakoochak
Branch, Rasht,
Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to
analyze managerial skills of poultry production operators in
Sara Township
in Guilan province, Iran, which used a
descriptive-analytical design. The population of this study
consisted of whole industrial poultry production enterprises of
Township (N=117) and out
of them, 50 operators had been selected as statistical sample
through simple random sampling. The instrument used to achieve
objectives of the study was a questionnaire by reliability
0.92. Findings reveal that among the studied management skills
marketing skill had been placed the least ranking means. In
addition, poultry production operators had the best ability in
technical skills. The average of ability rate of poultry
production operators in technical area was 4.08 which indicated
the high to very high ability rate of respondents in this area.
According to the results, it is necessary to improve the
marketing and farm management skills of farm operators through
extension and participation in training activities.
[Mohammad Sadegh Allahyari, Mohammad
Sadegh Saburi and Fatholah Keshavarz. Analyzing Farm Management
Skills in Poultry Production Enterprises in Iran. Life Science
Journal. 2011; 8(1):61–67] (ISSN: 1097–8135).
Keywords: poultry
production, management, skill, farm operator, enterprise, Iran
Ameliorate the Drastic Effect of
Ochratoxin A by using Yeast and Whey in Cultured Oreochromus
niloticus in Egypt.
Mansour, T.A1, Safinaz,
G.Mohamed2, Soliman, M.K3. Eglal, A. Omar1,
Srour, T.M.1, Mona S. Zaki*4 and Shahinaz, M. H.
1 Department of Animal and Fish production, Fac. of
Agriculture, Alexandria,
University, Alexandria,
2 National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries,
Alexandria Branch,
Alexandria, Egypt.
3 Department of Poultry and Fish Diseases, Fac. of
Veterinary Medicine, Damanhour
University, ElBostan, Egypt.
4 Hydrobiology Department, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt.
5 Animal Research Institute, Alexandria
Lab. Alexandria,
Ochratoxin A is one
of the most important mycotoxins in fish feed. In the present
study the effects of OTA on cultured Oreochromus niloticus
were evaluated. Trials for ameliorate the drastic effect of OTA
were done by using active life yeast and whey. The results
indicted that significant (p<0.05) decrease in RBCS, WBCS,
phagocytic activity and phagocytic index were occurred in both
levels of OTA. Hypoalbuminemia, hypoproteinemia, decrease of
globulin, and antibody titer as well as increase of liver
enzymes, creatinine and uric acid were noticed. The
histopathological examination showed that OTA caused diffuse
hydropic degeneration and advanced fatty changes in liver.
Tubular necrosis and hydropic degeneration of the kidneys were
observed .The activation of melano macrophage centers (MMCs)
were recorded. The results proved that OTA produce serious physiological,
immunological and pathological effects on, O.niloticus.
Morovere active life yeast and whey were succeed to neutralize
the drastic toxic effects of OTA.
T.A, Safinaz, G.Mohamed, Soliman, M.K. Eglal, A. Omar, Srour,
T.M., Mona S. Zaki and
Shahinaz, M. H. Hassan. Ameliorate the Drastic Effect of
Ochratoxin A by using Yeast and Whey in Cultured Oreochromus
niloticus in Egypt.
Science Journal. 2011;8(1):68–81] (ISSN: 1097 –
Keywords: Ameliorate; Drastic Effect;
Ochratoxin; Oreochromus niloticus; Egypt
Cooperatives for Agricultural Development in Iran
Farshid Aref
Department of Soil Science, Islamic
Azad University,
Firouzabad Branch,
Abstract: Agricultural cooperatives are a
significant form of business enterprise. The role of
agricultural cooperatives as a critical dimension of market
structure in agriculture must periodically be assessed to
determine the future viability of the cooperative form of
business. This paper aims to study the opportunities,
challenges of agricultural cooperatives for agricultural
development in Iran.
The implication of this study arises from the fact that there
has been little research carried out on the agricultural
cooperatives. The findings of this study enrich the knowledge
concerning agricultural development through rural cooperatives
in third world countries; especially in Iran. Life
[F. Aref. Agricultural Cooperatives for
Agricultural Development in Iran. Life Science Journal 2011;8(1):82-85].
(ISSN: 1097-8135).
Keywords: agricultural cooperative, agriculture
development, rural development
Assessment and Prediction on the Eutrophic State of a Drinking
Water Source☆
Zhang1, Hongxiang Guo2, Liju Duan1,
Xiaohui Liu1,3, Xuemin Cheng1, Liuxin Cui1
1. College of Public Health, Zhengzhou University, Zheng
zhou, Henan 450001, China; 2. Department of life
Sciences, Henan agriculture University, Zhengzhou, Henan 450002,
China; 3.
School of Basic Medicine, Henan
University of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou,
Henan 450008, China
Abstract: To
evaluate the eutrophic state of Xiliu
Lake (one water source
for Zhengzhou
city) and establish prediction system to monitor and predict the
eutrophic condition of this water resource. Environmental factors including water temperature
(WT), secchi depth (SD), water depth (WD), chemical oxygen
demand (CODMn), total nitrogen (TN), total
phosphorus (TP), chlorophyll-a (Chla) and algae cell density
(ACD) and cyanophyta cell density (CCD) were measured continuously
in two sampling sites that were selected in
Xiliu Lake.
Trophic level index (∑) (TLI(∑)), linear
correlation and stepwise multiple regression with a significant-value
cut-off of α = 0.05 were used inorder to anayze the data. The
result showed that the TLI(∑) of
Xiliu Lake
increased with seasonal changes. Three regression equations of
standardized Chla, standardized ACD and standardized CCD were
obtained respectively. Tests on these regression equations
showed that there was a good correlation between practical
value and predictive value of standardized Chla. The
correlations for standardized ACD and CCD were even better. In
a conclusion, the nutritive condition of
Xiliu Lake
was eutrophic. A prediction system was established for monitoring
the eutrophic condition of surface water using the three
regression equations of standardized Chla, standardized ACD and
standardized CCD, which can be used to predict the trend of
Chla in Xiliu
Lake within
a certain range.
Zhang,Hongxiang Guo,Xiaohui Liu,Xuemin Cheng, Liuxin Cui.Assessment
and Prediction on the Eutrophic State of a Drinking Water Source.
Life Science
Journal. 2011;8(1):86–92] (ISSN: 1097 – 8135).
Keywords: Species
richness; beta-diversity; taxonomic diversity; forest
Interaction of
TIM4-TIM1 decreases the function of CD4+CD25+Treg
in intestine in food allergic mice
Xin-Ting Wang1
, Zhi-Qiang Liu1,
Peng-Yuan Zheng1,
Ping-Chang Yang2,Yu
Gao-Feng Lu1,
Li-Li Zhang1
of Gastroenterology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou
University, Institute of Medical Microecology, Zhengzhou, Henan
450014, China,
of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, McMaster University,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Academy of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhengzhou, Henan
450052, China.
Abstract: Research in the area of food allergy has advanced rapidly in recent
years, however, the mechanism of food allergy remains unclear.
It has been shown that the T regulatory cells play an important
role in preventing the allergic responses in the intestine. TIM1
(T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain protein TIM 1 interacted
with its endogenous ligand of TIM4 may attenuate the oral immune
tolerance and lead to hypersensitivity reactions in the
intestine. Forty male BALB/c mice fed on the OVA-free diet were
randomly divided into five groups, and eight mice were used for
each group: A group of mice were sensitized by intraperitoneal
injection (ip) with Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) +
Ovalbumin (OVA ) and the other four groups of mice were
separately treated with normal saline (NS), anti-TIM1 (2 μg/mouse)
+SEB + OVA, anti-TIM1 (10 μg/mouse) +SEB + OVA, anti-TIM4 (10 μg/mouse)
+ SEB + OVA, on the 0, 3rd and 9th day; and all of the mice were
challenged by means of lavage with SEB+ OVA (except NS) on the
7th and 14th day. Mice were treated intraperitoneally with the
same doses anti-TIM4 or anti-TIM1 30 minutes before gavage.
Twenty-four hours after the last gavage, the mice were killed
and subjected to immunologic analyses. The expressions of Foxp3
mRNA in the jejunum and spleen decreased significantly in SEB+OVA group compared with those treated with NS, but the
expressions of TIM4 mRNA increased significantly (P<0.05). The
levels of TGF-β1
in serum and jejunum decreased significantly compared with those
treated with NS. The expressions of Foxp3 mRNA in the jejunum
and spleen and the levels of TGF-β1
in the serum and jejunum were significantly higher in
anti-TIM1+SEB+OVA and anti-TIM4+SEB+OVA groups compared with
SEB+OVA group (all P<0.05). The function of Treg cells can be
suppressed in the intestine by sensitization that can be
prevented by pretreatment with antibodies against TIM1 or TIM4.
[Xin-Ting Wang,
Zhi-Qiang Liu, Peng-Yuan Zheng, Ping-Chang Yang, Yu Luo,
Gao-Feng Lu, Li-Li Zhang .Interaction of TIM4-TIM1 decreases the
function of CD4+CD25+Treg in intestine in food allergic mice.
Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):93-99] (ISSN: 1097 – 8135).
Key Words: Food allergy; CD4+CD25+Treg
cells; Oral tolerance; TIM protein |
Comparative Study between
Inflorescences Characteristics, Pollen Viability, Germination
and Dimensions of Tommy Atkins, Kent and Keitt
Mango Cultivars
Abourayya, M.S*.;
N.E. Kassim; M.H. El-Sheikh and A.M. Rakha
Technology of horticultural
crops dep. National Research Center, Dokki , Giza, Egypt*
The present study was
conducted at orchard located at the side of Alexandria desert
road (Cairo - Alexandria, Km. 140), at Nubariya region during
2007 and 2008 seasons. The three experimented mango cultivars
were Tommy Atkins, Kent and Keitt. The trees of the three
studied cultivars are grafted on seeded rootstocks, attained
nine years old and grown in sandy Soil .Trees of all mango cvs.
were planted at 3×5 meter apart and subjected to the same
horticultural practices.
The objective of the present study is
comparing inflorescences characteristics, pollen
viability, germination and dimensions of Tommy
Atkins, Kent and Keitt cultivars grown under Nubaria
conditions. There were significant differences among studied
cultivars in the length of panicles.
Keitt cv. was found to have longest panicle compared to the
other cvs. Meanwhile the lowest value was found in Tommy Atkins
cv. The highest value of panicle width was found in Keitt cv.
meanwhile, the lowest value was found in Tommy Atkins cv.
Keitt cv. had the highest Number of
branches per panicle followed by Tommy Atkins cv.
meanwhile Kent
cv. had the lowest
values. The highest number of flowers per panicle was found in
Tommy Atkins cv. in the two seasons, meanwhile, the lowest value
was found in Kent cv. Tommy Atkins cv. had the largest
percentage of perfect flower per panicle followed by Kent cv.
meanwhile Keitt cv. had lowerst percentage in the two seasons.
The highest percentage of male flowers per panicle was detected
in Kent cv. in the first season and Tommy Atkins in the second
season. The lowest sex ratio was shown in Tommy Atkins cv.
inflorescence in both seasons. Followed in a decreasing order by
Keitt and Kent inflorescence. Keitt cv. was found to have the
highest percentage of malformed panicles per tree, followed by
Kent cv. while, Tommy Atkins cv. had the lowest percentage.
Keitt cv. showed the highest percentage of pollen grains
viability followed by Tommy Atkins and Kent cvs. Kent cv.
recorded the highest percentage of pollen germination meanwhile,
Keitt and Tommy Atkins cvs. recorded the lowest percentage of
pollen germination in first season and Keitt cv. in second
season. Pollen diameter was lower in Tommy Atkins cv. compered
to Keitt and Kent cvs.
[Abourayya, M.S; N.E. Kassim; M.H.
El-Sheikh and A.M. Rakha. Comparative Study between
Inflorescences Characteristics, Pollen Viability, Germination
and Dimensions of Tommy Atkins,
Kent and Keitt
Mango Cultivars. Life
Science Journal.
2011;8(1):100–105] (ISSN:1097–8135).
inflorescence characteristics, pollen viability
germination and dimension, Tommy Atkins Kent and Keitt |
Moderating Influence of Gender
on the Link of Spiritual and Emotional Intelligences with Mental
Health among Adolescents
Jafar Shabani, Siti Aishah Hassan,
Aminah Ahmad, Maznah Baba
of Educational
Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
This study
examined whether, Spiritual Intelligence (SI) and Emotional
Intelligence (EI) can be considered as predictor for Mental
Health (MH). Also, this study explored the moderating effects of
gender on the link between SI and EI with MH among high school
students. The participants in the study were 247 high school
students, (124 male and 123 female, in the age range
between 14-17 years old) at the Gorgan City, north of Iran. The
research design was an ex post facto and tested the alternative
hypotheses. Three valid and reliable instruments were used to
assess SI, EI and MH. Descriptive statistics, multiple and
moderated regression analysis were used to analyses the data.
The result demonstrated that MH can be influence by SI and EI.
In addition, the moderating effect of gender on the relationship
of SI and EI with MH was not established.
[Jafar Shabani, Siti Aishah
Hassan, Aminah Ahmad, Maznah Baba. Moderating Influence of
Gender on the Link of Spiritual and Emotional Intelligences with
Mental Health among Adolescents. Life Science Journal.
2011;8(1):106–112] (ISSN: 1097 – 8135).
psychology, education, spiritual and emotional intelligence,
adolescents, mental health
Double CSF
to areolar connective tissue shunting. An efficient and minor
procedure in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension.
A Prospective
Comparative Study.
A Abulazaim, M.d.,2Sherif Kamel, M.D.
Departments of Neurosurgery1 Ophthalmology2
and - faculty of Medicine - Cairo University.
ABSTRACT: Study Design:
A prospective study to evaluate the outcomes of 2 complimentary
minor surgical procedures for shunting CSF to loose areolar
connective tissues in both the eye and the scalp as an ensured,
effective and definitive treatment to idiopathic intracranial
hypertension. Objective: To explore a more effective and
less invasive technique without extensive tissue injury to
idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH). Summary of
Background Data: The optic nerve sheath decompression is an
established minimally invasive operation for IIH. The latter
operation usually fails to competently eliminate headache as its
effect is largely potent as regard the opthalmological
manifestations of IIH. Thus a shunt operation is frequently
needed thereafter. In the other hand; the traditional
neurosurgical operation subtemporal decompression proved itself
for decades as an effective surgery for resistant cases of IIH,
however, it was plagued by the temporal-subtemporal extensive
tissue injury. We found the newly revived minimally, invasive
ventriculo-subgaleal shunt that proved effective in our Kasr El
Aini hospital and actually divert the CSF to the scalp areolar
tissues, a minimally invasive alternative to the old style
operation subtempotal decompression and a very beneficial and
effective operation that compliment the ONSD. Methods:
This prospective study included 18 consecutive patients, 8
patients underwent ONSD and the rest ten patients needed in
addition VSS to effectively manage all the manifestations of IIH.
Results: The evaluation of the manifestations of IIH; the
headache, papillaedema-visual field defects and the abducent
nerve paresis were performed before surgery and after surgery.
Both maneuvers had an excellent-to-fair operative result, with a
low incidence of complications. Thus according to our data the
double CSF shunting is a minimally invasion technique with a
high efficiency and ensure a very satisfactory result.
Conclusion: Our novel operation of double CSF to areolar
connective tissue shunting is a minimally invasive and
exceptionally effective operative management to IIH and can be a
standard procedure for the surgical treatment of this insidious
and dangerous vision threatening disease.
A Abulazaim, Sherif Kamel.
Double CSF to
areolar connective tissue shunting. An efficient and minor
procedure in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension..
Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):113–120] (ISSN:1097–8135).
areolar connective tissue shunting; Idiopathic Intracranial
Hypertension |
Calculated equation and specific absorption rate
roots (SAR) for the nutrient
Tayeb Saki Nejad
Assistant Professor Department of Agronomy
Physiology, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz branch, Corresponding
The experiment conducted in
Islamic Azad University
research farm of Ahwaz city (IRAN). Average of rain was 256mm
based on split plot design and along with complete random block
pillar, two factors and four repetitions.
After measuring the parameters of root morphology and nutrient
elements specific absorption rate (SAR), which is
an indicator of the efficiency of root uptake based on the
calculated parameters were measured, using the following formula
based on root weight (RW) and mg unit
g/g root dry matter per day was calculated:

Average speed of absorption of mineral nutrients (mgg-1day-1),
R: root dry weight (g)
M: Dry weight root element value (mg)
t: sampling time (day)
Specific absorption rate (SAR) four
elements: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sodium were
measured. Numeric value to attract the highest speed with the
amount of potassium element 0.19 mg / g. day in the severe
stress and was calculated with the lowest amount of sodium was
0.001 mg/g day. Although in mild stress, nitrogen value
increased to 0.21 mg / g. day, which are because of osmotic
pressure phenomenon, but the element phosphorus absorption to
the wilting point plant (PWP) element did not decrease. SAR
of nutrient nitrogen, phosphorus, in comparison to control with
full irrigation decreased the N SAR decreased even with
the incidence of mild water stress found, although in severe
stress treatment, water, SAR value of N increased, but severe
water stress treatment, SAR showed a significant
reduction of nitrogen. SAR of P only to stress that in the
permanent wilting point (PWP) reduced, did not show decreasing
to PWP. SAR of K+ applying different levels of
water stress than the control group showed an increasing trend,
especially between these two elements, SAR K+
increases much higher than the sodium was almost SAR
sodium potassium approximately 55 times the most stress
treatments water respectively. Conditions without water stress,
the highest SAR-related elements nitrogen phosphorus and
potassium elements was then that water stress, especially severe
water stress, the highest SAR related to the element
potassium phosphate, nitrogen and sodium were. Nitrogen
absorption rate equations shows that reducing the amount of
water absorption of this element also severely reduce (YN=0.016X+0.046).
But the element phosphorus, the absorption process does not stop
until the point wilt (YP=0.02X+0.002),
Potassium absorption process according to the
equation is increasing (YK=0.016X+0.030),
Element in the situation is different sodium
absorption rate of this element is extremely low (YNa=0.006X+0.003).
Saki Nejad.
Calculated equation and specific absorption rate roots (SAR)
for the nutrient.
Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):121-126] (ISSN:1097–8135).
specific absorption rate roots (SAR),
nutritional elements and corn |
a Supervised Map of Olive Orchards by IRS Satellite Images
Ali Mohammadi
Torkashvand 1 and Shahryar Sobhe Zahedi 2
Islamic Azad
University-Rasht Branch
Research Center of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Guilan,
Due to some
changes which are created above time in olive cultivated surface
preparing updated map of olive is one of the most important
requirements in the management and region agricultural planning.
In this research, surveying of olive orchards investigated using
IRS Satellite images in the region including some sector of
Roudbar, Manjil, Loshan and Abbar, Guilan, Iran. Two methods
evaluated to images controlled classification in order to
separate olive orchards spectrum reflex from the other surface
covers which include: 1.classifcation using spectrum reflex
statistics and slicing and 2. classification with
Minimum Distance method.
The results indicate that in classification of images with
spectrum reflex statistics, more than 60% of training points had
again olive class in the olive orchards classified map.
[Ali Mohammadi
Torkashvand and Shahryar Sobhe Zahedi. Providing
a Supervised Map of Olive Orchards by IRS Satellite Images.
Ali Mohammadi Torkashvand, Shahryar Sobhe Zahedi.
Providing a Supervised Map of Olive Orchards by IRS Satellite
Images. Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):127–133]
Spectrum reflex; Olive; Training points; Map |
of an Educational Program on Nursing Care of Neonates with
Congenital Hypothyrodism
Amal Mohamed El-Dakhakhny
Pediatric Nursing Dept.,
Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt.
Background: Unrecognized
congenital hypothyroidism (CH) leads to mental retardation.
Newborn screening and thyroid therapy started within two weeks
of age and effective nursing intervention can normalize
cognitive development. Initial dosage of 10 to 15 µg/kg
Levothyroxine is recommended.
Objectives: this study aims to
assess nurses' knowledge regarding CH, to evaluate nurses'
intervention offered to CH neonates and to determine the impact
of educational program on nurses' performance regarding care of
CH neonates. Design: A quasi experimental design was used in
this study. Subjects and Methods: This study included 60 nurses
whom were recruited from 3 maternal and child health units (MCH)
at Zagazig city. Two tools were used to collect the necessary
data: a structured interview sheet and observational checklist
were used to assess nurses' performance. Results: It was found
that total nurses' complete knowledge and practice score about
hypothyroidism was poor (100%) before program implementation and
improved at post- test and this results was highly significant
at 1%. Conclusion: The nurses' performance significantly
improved after program implementation.
[Amal Mohamed El-Dakhakhny.
Impact of an Educational Program on Nursing Care of Neonates
with Congenital Hypothyrodism. Life Science Journal.
2011;8(1):134–144] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Congenital Hypothyroidism |
Evaluation of the Role of Radiotherapy in Early Breast Cancer
Laila A. Korashy;
Mahmoud M. Elgantiry* and Fatma Zakaria
Departments of
Clinical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University and NCI
Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt / *
Retrospective study for evaluation of the role of radiotherapy
in early breast cancer patients T1-2 M0 with (0-3 positive
axillary LNs) as regard disease free survival (DFS) and over all
survival (OS). Patients and methods: Between January 1999 to
December 2004, ninety patients pathologically confirmed early
breast cancer were classified into two groups, 50 patients in
the first group were treated with Modified Radical Mastectomy (MRM)
+ adjuvant radiation therapy + systemic therapy (Chemotherapy
and/or hormonal therapy) and 40 patients in the second group
were treated with MRM + adjuvant systemic therapy. All patients
entered in this study were monitored for treatment related
events, toxicity, loco-regional and distant failure, time to
death and survival. The (OS) rates and(DFS) rates depicted on
Kaplan Meier plots. Results:Patients in the first group who
received radiation therapy developed less loco-regional
recurrence rate (8% vs 22.5%) than did those receiving no
radiation therapy in the second group with no significances
statistical, p=>0.05. According to the time gap since surgery to
radiation therapy, twenty six percent of patients who received
radiation therapy in period more than 3 months from the
surgical interference had developed loco-regional failure vs no
patients in population who received radiation therapy in period
less than 3 months since surgical interference with statistical
significant difference (P<0.005). Within 50 patients in the
first group, skin desquamation was the most common acute
complication of radiation therapy (20%) and hyperpigmentation
was the most common late effect of radiation therapy (30%).
There was statistical significant difference for the 5- year
loco-regional recurrence free survival rates according to the
treatment modalities in the first group versus those in the
second group( 88.24% vs 73.16 respectively ,P=0.0308). There was
insignificant improvement in the 5-year (OS) rates and the
5-year (DFS) rates according to treatment modalities in the
first group versus the second group, (70.62% vs 61.00%,
p=0.2145) for (OS) rates and (51.54% vs 44.38%, p=0.111) for (DFS)
rates respectively. Nodal and hormonal status was the only two
prognostic factors that significantly influence (OS) and (DFS)
rates. Bone was the most common site of distant failure in this
retrospective study. Conclusions: Despite the improvement in
loco-regional recurrence rates, loco-regional recurrence free
survival rates, five-year (OS) and 5-year (DFS) rates for
patients in the first group who received radiation therapy,
still the value of routine use of radiation therapy in early
breast cancer is unclear.
[Laila A. Korashy; Mahmoud M. Elgantiry and Fatma
Zakaria. Evaluation of the Role of Radiotherapy in Early
Breast Cancer. Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):145-153].
Breast cancer- early stage disease ¨C surgery- radiation
therapy-systemic therapy |
of Exposure to Mercury on Health in Tropical
Macrobrachium Rosenbergii
A. Kaoud*1,
Manal M. Zaki1, Mona
M. Ismail2
of Veterinary Hygiene and Management, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
of Fish Diseases and Management, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt.*
The effects of Hg
on mortality, resistance and bioconcentration in the tropical
giant freshwater Macrobrachium rosenbergii were studied.
Mortalities of prawns exposed to mercury doses below 0.1 mg L–1
were significantly lower than those exposed to higher doses.
After 96 hours prawns exposed to >0.4 mg L–1of
mercury had a greater reduction in total haemocyte count and
phagocytic activity than those exposed to lower concentrations.
Bioconcentration of Hg in the gills, hepatopancreas and muscles
was variable. Mercury accumulated in gills and hepatopancreas
but Hg accumulation in the muscles only increased marginally.
Macrobrachium rosenbergii manifested histopathological
alterations in gills, hepatopancreas and muscles when exposed to
different concentrations of mercury.
A. Kaoud, Manal M.
M. Ismail. Effect of
Exposure to Mercury on Health in Tropical Macrobrachium
Rosenbergii. Life Science Journal.
2011;8(1):154-163] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Macrobrachium rosenbergii, mercury, total haemocyte
count, phagocytic activity |
23 |
Evaluation of Different
Desensitizing Agents after in-Office Bleaching
Mohamed A. Ibrahim*
and Mai El Banna
Operative Dentistry
Department, Misr University for Sciences and Technology, Cairo,
Objective: The purpose of
present study is to compare the effect of different
desensitizing agents in the management of dentinal
hypersensitivity after the application of in-office bleaching.
Methods: This study was conducted on 27 patients
complaining of tooth hypersensitivity and seeking for their
teeth whitening. Gluma, Seal & Protect and Fluoride varnish
desensitizing agents were used in this study then in-office
bleaching was applied. The Verbal Rating Scale (VRS) was used to
record scores before and after desensitization, and then was
used again to record scores before and after in-office
bleaching. The data compiled was statistically analyzed.
Results: A remarkable reduction in dentinal hypersensitivity
to both air blast and cold water stimuli was noted at the end of
the application of the three desensitizing agents. However, the
differences in effectiveness of the desensitizing effect after
the application of the bleaching material were recorded.
Conclusion: Within the limits of this study, it could be implied
that for relieving hypersensitivity, all three desensitizing
agents were almost equally effective, but it was concluded that
the sustainability of the desensitizing effect was detected with
the resin-based desensitizing agents rather than the
Fluoride-based desensitizing agents.
[Mohamed A. Ibrahim and Mai El Banna.
Evaluation of Different Desensitizing Agents after in-Office
Bleaching. Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):164-168]
Evaluation of Different Desensitizing Agents after in-Office
Bleaching |
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24 |
Antioxidant Activity of
Leek towards Free Radical Resulting from Consumption of
Carbonated Meat in Rats
Wafeka Abdulah Al Hamedan
and Manal Lalualit Khalid Anfenan
Department of Nutrition and
Food Science , Home Economic , Collage, Princess Nora Bent abdul
– rahman -University, Riyadh, Saud Arabia
Forty -two albino male rats
were randomly classified into six groups (7 rats each). The
first group kept as control negative fed basal diet only. The
other five groups fed on basal diet with 10% extreme grilled
meat and classified into non treated group and treated groups
with water leek extract, methanol leek extract, 2.5 % leek
powder and 5% leek powder. Consumption of carbonyl meat only in
non treated group decreased final weight, weight gain, food
intake ,feed efficiency ratio(FER) , hemoglobin , packed cell
volume ,blood glutathione peroxidase (GPX) , blood super oxide
dismutase (SOD) , liver super oxide dismutase (SOD), liver
glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and liver glutathione transferase (GST)
but significant increase in AST enzyme, creatinine ,urea
nitrogen blood free radical and serum lipid peroxide (LPX) and
liver malondialdehyde (MDA) compared to normal control group.
The treated groups with water ,methanol extracts, 2.5 % and 5%
leak showed that the values of final weight, weight gain, food
intake ,FER, hemoglobin, serum alanine amino transferase (ALT)
enzyme, creatinine, urea nitrogen , blood GPX , blood SOD and
blood GST around the values of normal control group. The treated
groups with water ,methanol extracts, 2.5 % and 5% leak showed
significant decrease in packed cell volume , liver SOD and GPX
but significant increase in AST, blood free radical , LPX ,liver
MDA compared to normal control group. The values of final
weight, weight gain, food intake , FER hemoglobin , packed cell
volume ,blood GPX , blood SOD, liver SOD, liver GPX and liver
GST were increased but the values of AST enzyme, creatinine
,urea nitrogen, blood free radical, serum lipid peroxide and
liver MDA were decreased in all treated groups compared to non
treated group.
[Wafeka Abdulah Al Hamedan and Manal
Lalualit Khalid Anfenan. Antioxidant Activity of Leek towards
Free Radical Resulting from Consumption of Carbonated Meat in
Rats. Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):169-176]
Key wards:
leek, free radical, antioxidant, carbonated meat& rats |
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Effect of Different Media
and Growth Regulators on the in vitro Shoot Proliferation
of Aspen, Hybrid Aspen and White Poplar Male Tree and Molecular
Analysis of Variants in Micropropagated Plants
Salah Khattab
Suez Canal University,
Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Ismailia-
Among other in vitro
factors like temperature and light, concentration of plant
growth regulators and medium constituents are two of the most
important aspects of successful micropropagation. With the aim
of optimization of in vitro multiplication of
Populus alba L., Populus
L. and Populus
tremula L.
x Populus. tremuloides
Michx , the effect of MS and WPM media with various
concentrations of BAP and 2iP was studied. The following
multiplication parameters were monitored: number of shoots
regenerated/explant, explant height, and explants weight were
determined. MS medium proved to be the most effective one,
resulting in better and morphologically superior microshoots as
compared to WPM medium in the case of
Populus alba.
However in Populus tremula
Populus tremula x Populus Tremuloides
the highest number of shoots was found when grown on WPM medium.
In all three poplar lines, the highest shoot multiplication was
obtained on MS and WPM media supplemented with BAP at (0.1 and
0.2 mgl-1). Very poor multiplication was achieved on
media with 2iP. Shoot tips were isolated and induced to root on
MS medium supplemented with IAA, IBA and/or NAA (0.0, 0.1, 0.2
and 0.4 mg l -1). About 90% of the rooted plantlets
tested have successfully established in soil.
In vitro
derived plants were genetically analyzed using RAPD
analysis confirmed that all the in vitro derived plant
which tested were genetically identical to their donor plants,
suggesting the absence of detectable genetic variation in the
regenerated plants.
[Salah Khattab. Effect of
Different Media and Growth Regulators on the in vitro
Shoot Proliferation of Aspen, Hybrid Aspen and White Poplar Male
Tree and Molecular Analysis of Variants in Micropropagated
Plants. Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):177-184]
In vitro multiplication, BAP, 2iP, WPM, MS,
Populus alba,
Populus tremula, Populus tremula x Populus tremuloides,
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Amelioration the Toxic Effects of Cadmium-Exposure in Nile
Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) by using
Lemna gibba L
Hussein A. Kaoud1*,
Manal M. Zaki1, Ahmed R. El-Dahshan1,
Sherein Saeid2 and Hesham Y. El Zorba3
of Veterinary Hygiene and Management, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
Department of Pathology,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
of Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo
University, Giza, Egypt
effect of cadmium (Cd) toxicity and its impact on
histopathology, haematological, and biochemical changes in Nile
tilapia (Oreochromius niloticus) were studied. Fish
(35-45 grams) were exposed to Cd that resulted in significant
reduction (p< 0.05) of the erythrocyte count (RBCs), haemoglobin
content (Hb) and haematocrit value (Hct).
Significant increases in plasma aspartate aminotranseferase
(AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) were observed in fish
exposed to Cd. The obtained results
indicate that
Lemna gibba L
weed and their extract are effective in removing Cd from water
and reducing Cd bioaccumulation in fish. The addition of
Lemna gibba L-extract
reduced significantly (p<0.05) the Cd level in water and the
metal uptake as compared to fish exposed to Cd alone. The Cd
concentration in water was 9.620±0.198
mg L-1 and it
decreased significantly (p< 0.05). The Cd accumulation in liver
and muscles of fish exposed to Cd alone was higher than that of
gibba L-extract
treatment. The addition of
Lemna gibba L-extract
improves the haematological parameters (RBCs, Hb and Hct) and
ameliorates the toxic effect of Cd which indicating the
capability of Lemna gibba L-extract
to chelate Cd from the media. Subsequently, the Cd toxicity was
reduced. This study indicates that Cd poisoning cause structural
damage in the fish organs. It is also demonstrated that
Lemna gibba L-extract,
weed or the weed plus the extract provided protection against
the degenerative action of Cd and increased the chance of tissue
A. Kaoud, Manal M. Zaki, Ahmed R. El-Dahshan, Sherein Saeid
and Hesham Y. El Zorba.
Amelioration the Toxic Effects of Cadmium-Exposure in
Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus) by using
Lemna gibba L.
Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):185-195] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Lemna gibba L;
amelioration; Oreochromis niloticus |
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Early Detection of Breast
Cancer among Females at Fakous District,
Sharqia Governorate, Egypt
Mona Aboserea1,
Mohamed Abdelgawad2 and Wagida wafik3
Health Department, 2 Oncology Department 3Community
health nursing department Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of
Nursing, Zagazig University, Zagazig. Egypt.
Background: Breast cancer
is the most important cancer, with women in an increasing
numbers in incidence developing countries. It is by far the
commonest cancer among Egyptian women and represents 37% of all
female cancers. Objectives: Early detection of breast cancer,
and determining the most frequent barriers of delay in breast
cancer diagnosis among females at Fakous district, Sharqia
Governorate, in addition to identification of the risk factors
and prevalence of breast cancer in the year 2010. Subjects &
Methods: Community based survey study at Fakous district,
Sharqia Governorate for 6 months period (from 1 January 2010 –to
30 June 2010). A multistage cluster random sampling was adopted
for this work on a sample of 390 females. The study tools
included :a- a questionnaire which was designed and pretested in
pilot testing before the study. It was prepared to ask women
about some socio-demographic characteristics, and risk factors
of breast cancer. In addition to any suspected symptoms of
breast cancer as lump, pain or tenderness, or nipple discharge.
b-Weight and height were measured to calculate Body mass index
(BMI). c-Clinical Breast examination. d-Referral of the
suspected cases to Fakous Cancer Center for doing mammogram,
ultrasound, and fine needle biopsy to ensure the diagnosis.
Results: The most frequent interviewed age groups were 30-39 ys,
20-29 ys, and 40-49 years (27.9%, 24.4%, and 22.1% respectively)
with mean age (38.7) years and median age 36.5 years. About 52%
of the studied females had early menarche (<12 years), and Null
parity constituted 4.1% of the studied sample. The age of women
at 1st full term pregnancy (at ≥35years)
represented more than one quarter (26.6%) of the studied
females and no breast feeding which constituted 59% among the
multipara women. More than 54% of the studied sample was
overweight and obese with positive family history of breast
cancer constituted 3.5%. About 86.7% of the menopausal women had
delayed menopause (≥50 years). Illiteracy took the upper hand
among the studied females (34.6%). 23.1% of the studied sample
was oral contraceptive users. After doing clinical breast
examination (CBE) of women and mammography; 23 cases were
presented by breast lesions (5.9%). 18 cases were diagnosed as
benign breast lesions (4.6%), and 5 cases were confirmed as
breast cancer 'BC' (1.3%) by ultrasonography & fine needle
aspiration biopsy. Histopathological reports for the discovered
BC cases, revealed that 2 females presented with infiltrating
duct carcinoma (IDC) and 2 cases presented with ILC, 3 cases
(60%) had lymph node metastasis. Mean tumor size was 3.9 cm. By
reviewing the BC stages among the females with breast cancer, it
was found that 2 cases were in stage II (40%), 2 cases were in
stage III (40%) . It was found that lack of doing mammography,
annual CBE, & monthly BSE were the main limitations for early
diagnosis of breast cancer. In addition to illiteracy,
reluctance in seeking medical care, far distance from health
services, negligence of the complaint, and fear from BC
diagnosis constituted the most frequent barriers for early
detection of breast cancer among the studied females.
taking any women's breast complaints seriously,
Proper training programs for women about monthly breast self
examination for early detection of any breast lesion.
Health education programs on a wide scale on the
studied places to improve not only awareness, or knowledge but
also changing the faulty attitudes & practices about breast
cancer especially among illiterate women. In addition to
training programs for health care providers at primary health
care units about the importance of annual CBE in early detection
of BC cases especially in low resources settings.
Aboserea, Mohamed Abdelgawad and Wagida wafik. Early
Detection of Breast Cancer among Females at Fakous District,
Governorate, Egypt.
Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):196-203] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Breast cancer, early detection, clinical breast examination,
prevalence, risk factors, barriers for early diagnosis. |
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Effects of Renal Ischemia
Reperfusion on Brain, Liver & Kidney Tissues in Adult Male Rats.
Nahed Salah El-din Mohamed*
and Hanan Abd El-Aziz Mubarak
Department of Physiology,
Kasr Al-Aini Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt*
Several studies suggest that
renal ischemia reperfusion (RIR) can induce acute kidney injury
(AKI). However, remote effects of RIR injury need further
investigations. Renal injury associated with liver disease or
neurological manifestations is a common clinical problem. The
aim of this study was to examine the effects of RIR on brain and
liver tissues in rats by inducing bilateral renal ischemia for
30, 45 and 60 minutes followed by one hour reperfusion and
measurement of renal functions, liver functions & tumor necrosis
factor alpha (TNF-α) in addition to histological examinations
of kidney, liver and brain tissues. 40 rats were subjected to
either sham operated (control group-1) or 30 min RIR (group-2),
45 minRIR (group-3), 60min RIR (group-4). The results demonstrated that compared to sham rats, serum creatinine,
blood urea nitrogen (BUN), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), increased significantly 45
min & 60 min of RIR(P <0.05). There was a significant increase
(P<0.05 ) in TNF-α in kidney, liver and brain tissues after 30
min, 45min, and 60min RIR compared to shame rats (p<0.01) and the rise of TNF-α after 60 min RIR is significantly higher
(p<0.05)than that after 30min RIR. Histological examination of
brain tissues showed mild pyknosis after 45 min RIR and patches
of vacuolization after 60 min RIR. In liver tissues there were
congestion & hydropic degeneration after 45 min RIR and there
was leucocyte infiltration in addition to congestion after 60
min RIR. Stained kidney tissues showed mild glomerular collapse
after 30 min RIR, mild necrosis of tubular cells after 45 min
RIR and periarteriolar neutrophilic infiltration in addition to
mild tubular necrosis after 60 min RIR. It is concluded that RIR
causes inflammation in liver & brain tissues which was much more
after 60 min. The effects of RIR on remote organs need to be
investigated for a long period after RIR
[Nahed Salah El-din Mohamed and Hanan Abd
El-Aziz Mubarak. Effects of Renal Ischemia Reperfusion on
Brain, Liver & Kidney Tissues in Adult Male Rats. Life
Science Journal. 2011;8(1):204-212] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Renal ischemia reperfusion, brain, liver, tumor necrosis
factor-alpha (TNF-α), rats |
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Application of
Constructivist Educational Theory in providing Tacit Knowledge
and Pedagogical Efficacy in Architectural Design Education: A
Case Study of an Architecture school in Iran
Amineh Andjomshoaa
Seyed Gholamreza
Islami 2,
Mokhtabad-Amrei 3
Department of Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic
Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Faculty of Fine Arts,
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Faculty of Arts,
Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran
Beginning with
debates about
the character of
pedagogy in architectural
design studios, and the role of constructivist
educational theory and tacit
knowledge in efficacious learning and teaching, this article
makes some predictions about the interrelationship between these
processes. These predictions are then tested by conducting an
empirical research at one of the early design studios of
architecture education devoted to residential design, in the
department of art and architecture at Kerman Azad University in
Iran. These tests have shown significant differences between the
design performance of students who have been subjected to
constructivist educational theory in their design process, and
those who encountered other pedagogical approaches. This paper
uses these findings to confirm that applying
constructivist educational theory in the design studio leads to
an increase in tacit knowledge, the kind of knowledge
that is required among designers, as design is related to a
skill-based domain dealing more with knowing how to complete
tasks than of mere reliance on knowing facts. In this article,
it is argued that if such educational strategy gains currency in
schools of architecture, the outcome will be a positive
experience of pedagogical efficacy through supporting lifelong
learning. This efficacy, when woven with tacit knowledge, can
create architects that are more dependent on their own critical
thinking abilities, more interrelated to communities of people,
and more responsive to their feedbacks, which in turn allows
them to be more realistic in their endeavors.
Seyed Gholamreza
Mostafa Mokhtabad-Amrei. Application of Constructivist Educational
Theory in providing Tacit Knowledge and Pedagogical Efficacy in
Architectural Design Education: A Case Study of an Architecture
school in Iran. Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):213-233]
Constructivism; Architectural Design Education; Computer-Aided
Design; Tacit Knowledge; Iran |
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Role of Selenium in Attenuating
Cardiac and Hepatic Damages Induced By the Antitumor Agent,
Safinaz S. Ibrahim*, Maged A. Barakat, Hebatalla M. Helmy
Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University,
Cairo, Egypt
College of Pharmacy, Kasr Al-Aini St,
11562, Egypt.;;;
Abstract: Background and Objectives: The clinical use of
doxorubicin, one of the most effective antitumor agents, soon
proved to be hampered by such serious problems as the
development of cardiomyopathy and liver damage. The current
study aims at evaluating the role of trace element, selenium, in
attenuating cardiac and hepatic damages induced by the antitumor
agent, doxorubicin. Materials and Methods: Animals were
divided into normal control group and doxorubicin -treated group
injecting doxorubicin i.p. as 6 equal doses of 2.5 mg/kg, twice
weekly/ 3 weeks. The doxorubicin - treated animals were divided
into 2 groups, one kept without further treatment (doxorubicin
-group), second group, (doxorubicin + selenium) received
selenium (Na Selenite) 0.5 mg/kg orally, 3 times/week/4 weeks
including one week before the doxorubicin 1st dose.
Serum creatine phosphokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, as cardiac
damage markers, and alanine aminotransferase, as indicator of
hepatic damage, were measured. Malondialdehyde and nitric oxide
levels, as cardiac oxidative status indices, cardiac glutathione
content, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione-S–transferase and
superoxide dismutase activities, as measures for cardiac
antioxidant capacity, were also investigated. Histopathological
changes in cardiac and liver tissues were examined. The results
were analyzed statistically by one-way analysis of variance with
subsequent multiple comparisons using Tukey test. Results:
doxorubicin induced significant increase in serum lactate
dehydrogenase; creatine phosphokinase; alanine aminotransferase
activities, cardiac nitric oxide, malondialdehyde levels,
superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione-S–transferase
activities, and reduction in glutathione content. Selenium
co-administration caused significant decrease in serum lactate
dehydrogenase and creatine phosphokinase levels; normalization
of serum alanine aminotransferase; significant decrease in
cardiac malondialdehyde, nitric oxide levels, glutathione
peroxidase, glutathione-S–transferase, superoxide dismutase
activities and significant elevation in cardiac glutathione
content, compared to doxorubicin -treated group values.
Histopathological examination of cardiac and liver tissues
supported the previous biochemical results. Conclusions:
Chronic doxorubicin administration caused cardiomyopathy and
hepatic damage. Selenium co-administration produced partial, but
significant, protection against cardiomyocyte damage; however,
it alleviated hepatic damage-induced by the antitumor agent,
[Safinaz S. Ibrahim, Maged A. Barakat, Hebatalla M. Helmy.
Role of Selenium in Attenuating Cardiac and Hepatic Damages
Induced By the Antitumor Agent, Doxorubicin. Life Science
Journal. 2011;8(1):234-245] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Key words:
Doxorubicin, cardiomyopathy, liver damage, selenium |
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Science Journal. 2011;8(1):246-252. (ISSN:1097–8135)]. 7 pages
As the
result of critical review, this article has been withdrawn.
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Influence of Growth Media Composition on the Emulsifying
Activity of Bioemulsifiers Produced by Four Bacterial Isolates
with Wide Substrate Specificity
Chuma Conlette
Department of Biological Sciences and
Caleb University, Imota, Lagos, Nigeria
The influence of growth media composition on the emulsifying
activity of bioemulsifiers produced by four bacterial isolates
were monitored by using three standard growth media formulations
of Rosenberg et al, 1979, Monticallo et al, 1985
and Mills et al, 1978 with a common carbon source,
Acetate but with varied Nitrogen, Phosphate and Trace element
constituents. Three of the four bacterial isolates namely;
Pseudomonas mallei, Pseudomonas pseudomallei and
Pseudomonas sp. recorded their highest emulsifying activity
of 30.80, 26.30 and 29.10 µ/ml respectively when grown on
Rosenberg et al, 1979 growth medium with respective pH
optimums of 7.09, 7.60 and 7.40 while the last isolate,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa recorded its highest emulsifying
activity of 28.40 µ/ml when grown on Mills et al, 1978
growth medium with an optimum pH of 8.11. Monticello et al,
1985 growth medium which lack MgS04 salts recorded
lower emulsifying activity in all the four bacterial isolates
tested. The results indicate that the three bacterial isolates
that grew better on Rosenberg et al, 1979 growth medium
showed preference for (NH4)2S04
as opposed to NaN03 as the ideal source of Nitrogen,
however the reverse was the case with the isolate that grew
better on Mills et al, 1978 growth medium which showed
preference for NaN03 as its best Nitrogen source.
Magnesium ions and other trace elements constituents of
Rosenberg et al, 1979 growth medium are suspected to
stimulate higher emulsifying activity as the other growth media
formulations that lacked them showed lower emulsifying activity.
[Okoro Chuma Conlette. Influence of Growth Media Composition on
the Emulsifying Activity of Bioemulsifiers Produced by Four
Bacterial Isolates with Wide Substrate Specificity.
Life Science Journal.
2011;8(1):253-259] (ISSN: 1097 – 8135).
Bioemulsifier, Emulsifying activity, Growth media, Bacterial
isolates |
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Study Of The Cardiovascular Effects Of Exposure To Electromagnetic Field
Fatma A. Mohamed,
Azza A. Ahmed, *Bataa M.A. El- Kafoury, & Noha N. Lasheen
Department of
Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University
Author: Email:
Electromagnetic radiofrequency (EMR) emitted from cell phones
was accused of causing a number of negative health effects; the
influence on the heart and circulatory system still being not
clearly defined. Objective: To throw more light on the
cardiovascular health risk associated with exposure to
electromagnetic field (EMF) of cell phones. Material and
Methods: 110 adult albino rats, of both sexes, weighing 180-
200 gms were used in the present study. Animals were allocated
into two main groups: group I, including rats exposed to cell
phone EMF for 4 weeks; and group II, including rats exposed to
EMF for 8 weeks. Each group was further subdivided into four
subgroups, a control group and three subgroups exposed to EMF
for either 1h/day, 2hrs/day or 3hrs/day, exposure being carried
out six days/ week, at fixed time of the day.
The test
groups were exposed to radiofrequency (RF) of 1800 MHz emitted
by global system mobile communications (GSM) cell phone Nokia
1208 modality,
the phone being kept in the silent position while receiving
calls from another phone during the period of exposure.
All rats
were subjected to measurement of the systolic blood pressure on
the day prior to the day of sacrifice, ECG recording, assessment
of cardiac weights, absolute& relative, and MDA level in
cardiac tissue, as well as determination of plasma renin
activity, plasma total antioxidant capacity and plasma calcium
level. Specimens from the apex of the heart were subjected to
histological examination. Results: The systolic blood
pressure was significantly increased in all EMF-exposed rats
compared to their respective controls.
The heart rate, deduced from the ECG tracings, was
non-significantly altered in all groups exposed to EMF for 4
weeks and in the 8 weeks-1hr/day exposure group, but was
significantly reduced in rats exposed to EMF for 2hrs or
3hrs/day for 8 weeks. The ECG recording of rats exposed to EMF
for 4 weeks revealed a significantly higher R voltage in the
group exposed for 3hrs/day, a significant increase in QRS
duration in the groups exposed for 2hrs and 3hrs/day and
significant prolongation of QT-c interval in the group exposed
for 3hrs/day. On the other hand, the ECG recording of rats
exposed to EMF for 8 weeks revealed significantly higher R and T
voltages, and significantly prolonged P-R and QT-c intervals in
the groups exposed for 2hrs or 3hrs/day, the QRS duration being
significantly increased in all the 8 weeks- exposed groups. The
main features of changes in the cardiac weights were the
significant increase in the absolute and relative weights of the
whole heart and of the left ventricle in rats exposed to EMF
2hrs or 3hrs/day for either 4 or 8 weeks. Plasma renin activity
was increased in all exposed rats, the increase being
statistically significant in rats exposed to EMF 3hrs/day for 4
weeks, and in all the groups exposed to EMF for 8 weeks. Plasma
calcium level was significantly decreased in all the exposed
groups except for the group exposed for 1hr/day for 4 weeks. The
plasma total anti-oxidant capacity was significantly decreased
in all exposed groups, for either 4 or 8 weeks, while the MDA
level in the cardiac tissue was only significantly elevated in
the 8 weeks-3hrs/day exposed group compared to the matched
control group. The histological examination revealed
hypertrophy, fragmentation and vacuolation of the myocardium,
which were directly proportional to the exposure time.
Conclusion: The results encountered in the present study
revealed that long-term exposure to cell phone EMF increases the
liability for hypertension reflected on the ECG and cardiac
weights, accompanied by histological changes in the myocardium.
The associated increased PRA, decreased plasma total antioxidant
capacity and hypocalcemia could be suggested as contributing
mechanisms reflecting interaction of EMF with biological
[Fatma A. Mohamed,
Azza A. Ahmed, Bataa M.A. El- Kafoury, & Noha N. Lasheen.
Study Of The Cardiovascular Effects Of Exposure To Electromagnetic Field. Life Science Journal.
2011;8(1):260-274] (ISSN:1097–8135).
electromagnetic field- cell phone- cardiac effects- oxidative
stress |
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Yadollahi1, Laily Hj Paim2, Mumtazah
Othman3, Turiman Suandi4, Mohsen Darya
Mehdi Yadollahi, Department of Resources Management & Consumer
Universiti Putra
Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Department of
Management Studies, Payame Noor University (PNU), Sirjan, Iran.
Phone number (+60) 173466174.
2- Laily Paim,
Department of Resources Management & Consumer Studies.
Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor,
Malaysia. E-mail:,
phone number (+603) 89467051/89424371.
3- Mumtazah Othman
Department of Resources Management & Consumer Studies.
Universiti Putra
Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
4- Turiman Suandi,
Department of Professional Development and Continuing Education,
Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor,
5- Mohsen Darya
baygi, Department of Management Studies, Payame Noor University,
(PNU), Sirjan, Iran.
Household management is a process of using the required
resources to attain the families’ goals through planning and
taking the necessary steps to meet these goals.
The aim of this article is to determine, the level of managerial
functions practiced by the families, and the relationship
between the levels of managerial functions practiced and family
economic status. Management functions include five dimensions
(planning, coordinating, organizing, directing and controlling).
Family economic status included three dimensions (income,
expenditure, and ownership of physical asset).
The instrument used for this study is a questionnaire survey;
the researcher selected 390 households, out of a total of
127,892 families in Kerman City. Data collection was through
face-to-face interviews to obtain information from the heads of
The relationship between household expenditure, income,
ownership of physical asset, and management functions was
investigated using Pearson product-moment correlation
coefficients. Findings indicated that elements of management
functions have effect on family economic status, but the
affected is not considerable, and there is a weak relationship
between management functions and family economic status.
It may be
interesting for future
studies to look at the effect of other elements on family
economic status.
Yadollahi, Laily Hj Paim, Mumtazah Othman, Turiman Suandi,
Mohsen Darya beygi. The
Level of Managerial Functions Practiced by the Head of household
and Family Economic Status in Kerman, Iran. Life Science
Journal. 2011;8(1):275-187] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Management function; Economic status; Income,
Expenditure, Ownership of physical Asset. |
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Bioactivities and
Biochemical Effects of Marjoram Essential Oil used against
Potato Tuber Moth Phthorimaea operculella Zeller
(Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)
Mona F. Abd El-Aziz
Entomology Department
-Faculty of Science -Benha University- Benha- Egypt
The bioactivities of
marjoram essential oil against immature stages and
adults of potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella
Zeller were evaluated. The essential oil showed
significant contact and fumigation insecticidal activities
against different stages. The oil revealed strong contact
toxicity and moderate fumigant activity against immature stages.
Both adult males and females showed high susceptibility to the
fumigation. Oviposition deterrent effects were found to be
insignificant. Furthermore, the results showed that treatment of
immature stages with the essential oil produced adult
deformations. The essential oil tested had some biochemical
effects on the last larval instar treated by the contact method,
based on LC50 during metamorphosis to the adult. The
results showed increases in the total protein and
triacylglycerol content of most post-treatment days.
Insignificant increases were found in
the activities of acetylcholinesterase
and chitinase.
These results suggested that marjoram essential oil could be
used as a potential control agent for potato tuber moth
in storage facilities.
[Mona F. Abd El-Aziz.
Bioactivities and Biochemical Effects of Marjoram Essential Oil
used against Potato Tuber Moth Phthorimaea operculella
Zeller (Lepidoptera:
Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):288-297] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Essential oils- marjoram- Phthorimaea operculella-
insecticidal activity-
biochemical effects |
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Design and Hepatoprotective
Evaluation of Biphenyl Dimethyl Dicarboxylate (DDB) and
Silymarin Solid Dispersion and Self-Micro Emulsifying Drug
Delivery Systems
Hanan M. El-laithy1*,
Yassin E. Hamza1 and Soha M. Kandil2
of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt,2New Kasr Elini
Teaching Hospital, Cairo, Egypt.
Biphenyl Dimethyl
Dicarboxylate (DDB) and Silymarin are widely used drugs for the
treatment of hepatitis C virus, have poor bioavailability due to
their low aqueous solubility that limits their dissolution
rates. To overcome these limitations solid dispersions (SDs)
and self-microemulsifing drug delivery systems (SMEDDS) were
prepared in an attempt to improve their release profile. SDs
were prepared using co-precipitation and melting methods at
various drug-polymer ratios. Polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000),
polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP K30 and PVP K17) or sodium
desoxycholate were used to prepare SDs by
co-precipitation method. PEG 4000, PEG 6000 or poloxamers (F68
and F127) were used to prepare SDs by melting method.
On the other hand, Ternary phase diagram was constructed using
812 (oil), Tween®
80 (surfactant), Transcutol®
HP (co-surfactant) and water to
identify the efficient self-microemulsification region. In-vitro
release studies were studied for the prepared SDs and
SMEDDS. DDB release from all prepared SDs did not
show any significant improvement when compared to their
corresponding commercial product except for the melts prepared
by poloxamer F68 used in 1:5 drug to carrier weight ratio.
Silymarin release from all SDs was significantly
improved when compared to their corresponding physical mixture,
Silymarin powder or its commercial product. Silymarin:Sodium
desoxycholate with 1:3 weight ratio, gave the highest drug
dissolution behaviour. On the other hand, it was found that the
optimal formulation with the best Self-microemulsifying and
dissolution behaviour for DDB or Silymarin consisted of 10%
812, 40% Tween®
80, and 50% Transcutol®
HP. This formulation showed higher
extends of DBB or Silymarin release compared to their powder or
commercial products. The optimized formulations of DDB or
Silymarin SDs and SMEDDS were evaluated regarding
their hepatoprotective activity against carbon
tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress in Albino rats when
challenged with commercial products DBB
Mariagon® capsules.
These develobed
formulations might be useful in the prevention of used
successfully hepatic fibrosis.
[Hanan. M. Ellaithy, Yassin. E. Hamza and
Soha. M. Kandil.
Formulation and Histopathological Evaluation of Biphenyl
Dimethyl Dicarboxylate (DDB) and Silymarin Solid Dispersion and
Self-Micro emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems.
Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):298-310] (ISSN:1097–8135).
DDB, Silymarin, solid dispersion, self-microemulsifing drug
delivery systems, in vitro- release, hepatotoxicity |
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Pyrethroid Toxic Effects on some Hormonal Profile and
Biochemical Markers among Workers in Pyrethroid Insecticides
Sahar A. Abou
El-Magd1.; Laila M.E. Sabik.2*; and Amira
Departments of Community, Environmental, and Occupational Medicine1,
Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology2, and
Internal medicine 3. Faculty of Medicine,
Zagazig University,
Background: As Pyrethroids use is common and likely increasing
worldwide, so more researches are needed to know its hazardous
effects. Objectives: This study was designed
to evaluate chronic toxic effects of synthetic
pyrethroids on some hormonal profile (testosterone, estrogen,
progesterone & thyroid hormones), respiratory system, liver and
kidney functions, in addition, trying to clarify some underlying
mechanisms of toxicity through measuring total antioxidant
capacity, lipid peroxidation markers (malondialdhyde), and IgE
among workers exposed to pyrethroids.
Subjects and Methods: The study included eighteen workers
of both sexes exposed to pyrethroids in pyrethroid Insecticides
Company. Twenty non exposed workers from the administrative
workers of Faculty of Medicine Zagazig University
were selected as a
control group. All participating workers were interviewed using
a pre-composed
questionnaire, furthermore they were examined clinically and
investigated by measuring some blood parameters as testosterone,
estrogen, progesterone, thyroid hormones (T3, T4
and TSH), IgE, ALT, AST, creatinine, urea, total-antioxidants
and malondialdehyde according to standard procedures.
Results: The studied groups were matched as
regard gender, age, duration of work, marital status, income,
residence and smoking habit. There was a highly significant
prevalence of headache, cough & wheeze among exposed workers
compared to control group (p< 0.001). Moreover, the exposed
group had significantly lower values of testosterone, T3,
T4, and pan-antioxidants, as compared to control
group (p<0.001). Also, there was a higher significant values of
TSH, IgE, ALT, AST and malondialdehyde among exposed workers as
compared to control group (p<0.001). Conclusion &
Recommendations: Chronic exposure to pyrethroid insecticides may
cause endocrine
disrupting effects, respiratory problems, liver function
impairment, beside oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. So
we recommended,
improving working condition. Restriction of unlimited use
of pyrethroid insecticides especially at home and agricultural
purposes. Further researches are needed to evaluate pyrethroids
effect on large sample to obtain detailed information about the
exposure route, pathways, other mechanisms of toxicity and other
health hazards.
[Sahar A. Abou El-Magd; Laila M. E. Sabik
and Amira Shoukry. Pyrethroid
Toxic Effects on some Hormonal Profile and Biochemical Markers
among Workers in Pyrethroid Insecticides Company.
Life Science Journal. 2011; 8(1):311-322] (ISSN: 1097–8135).
Pyrethroids exposure, endocrine disruptor, lung, liver, kidney,
oxidative stress |
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Deterioration and Treatment
Study of Archaeological Limestone Statues, Sakkara, Egypt
S. A. Abd El – Rahim and
M.K. Khallaf
Conservation Department,
Faculty of Archaeology, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt.
Sakkara is one section of the
great necropolis of
the Old Kingdom capital and the kings of the
Dynasty as well as that of the
Dynasty are mostly buried in this section of the
Memphis necropolis. A group of Greco-roman limestone statues
were found in front of Serapeum tomb entrance which was built at
least as early as the 18th dynasty. They called
"Statues of Philosophies". They suffer from different
deterioration phenomena such as missing parts, erosion of stone,
presence of cracks and micro cracks, disintegration of some
parts, crystallization of salts and dirt. Deterioration factors
were different sources of moisture, salts, wind erosion and
changes in temperature. Studying phenomena and factors of their
deterioration were performed by various investigations and
analyses. Stone samples were collected from these statues. study
of these samples have been carried out using polarizing
microscope (PLM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray
diffraction (XRD) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX).
Treatment and conservation techniques were discussed. XRD data
showed that limestone consists mainly of calcite. (PLM)
examination showed presence of fine-grained calcite in stone
texture. (SEM) determined disintegration between mineral grains,
erosion, loose of binding material, cracks and salts
crystallization. Restoration techniques of the Greco-roman
statues were studied, for example mechanical and chemical
cleaning , consolidation, treatment of cracks , compilation
missing parts and isolation of the surface to protect it against
moisture using water repellent materials.
[S. A. Abd El – Rahim and M.K.
Khallaf. Deterioration and Treatment Study of Archaeological
Limestone Statues,
Sakkara, Egypt.
Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):323-328] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Sakkara; serapeum; Statues of Philosophies; limestone
consolidation; water repellent materials. |
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Approach To Chlamydia Trachomatis Conjunctivitis
Elham Ragab Abd
El Samea 1, Eman Badr El Din El Hadidy1,
Sahar Mostafa El Tarshouby2, Amina Mostafa Abd El Aal1
Clinical Pathology
Department, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt
Department, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University-Egypt
It is a chronic
follicular conjunctivitis. In Egypt, the high prevalence of
trachoma represents a major cause of blindness especially in
rural areas. The aim of this work is to confirm the clinical
diagnosis and to evaluate the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
in direct antigen detection of C.trachomatis in conjunctival
scrapings and C.trachomatis antibodies in the sera of patients.
Two groups of patients; the first group included 20 active cases
(group I) and the second group included 25 cicatricial cases
(group II). Direct antigen detection by ELISA from conjunctival
scrapping, trachoma IgG and IgM by ELISA. Evaluation of
direct antigen detection of C.trachomatis in conjunctival
scrapings by ELISA revealed that there were insignificant
difference between active and cicatricial (P>0.05). There was
insignificant higher titre in active than cicatricial cases. As
regard, IgM detection of C.trachomatis there were insignificant
difference between them (P>0.05). There was insignificant higher
titre in active than cicatricial cases. Detection of
C.trachoatis IgG revealed 20 positive cases (44.4%), all of them
were cicatricial cases (80%) which were significantly higher
than active cases (P<0.001). There was significantly higher
titre in cicatricial than in active cases. All antigen positive
cases in group I were bilaterally affected, while in group II,
detection of C.trachomatis antigen was higher in unilateral than
bilateral eye infection. There was insignificant difference
between active and cicatricial cases in either affection
(P>0.05) with insignificant higher titre in bilateral than
unilateral positive cases. The sensitivity of ELISA IgM compared
to direct antigen detection in cicatricial cases was 50%, the
specificity was 100%. Direct antigen detection test and
serodiagnosis of C.trachomatis IgM by ELISA are more reliable
than ELISA IgG in diagnosis of active trachoma infection. ELISA
IgG is a reliable method in the serodiagnosis of cicatricial
phase of trachoma.
[Elham Ragab Abd El
Samea, Eman Badr El Din El Hadidy, Sahar Mostafa El Tarshouby,
Amina Mostafa Abd El Aal: Laboratory study of Chlamydia
trachomatis conjunctivitis. Life Science Journal.
2011;8(1):329-336] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Chlamydia Trachomatis, Conjunctivitis, Trachoma |
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Effects Of Cobalt
Sulfate And Choline Chloride On Fruiting And Fruit Quality Of
Mango Cv. Succary Abiad.
M. T. Wahdan
of horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University,
Ismailia, Egypt.
The effects of
foliar application of Cobalt Sulfate (Co SO4) and Choline
Chloride on fruit retention; yield and quality of "Succary Abiad"
mangoes were studied in two successive seasons (2007 and 2008).
Cobalt Sulfate was sprayed at concentrations of 100, 200 and 300
ppm 30 days after full bloom, while Choline Chloride was sprayed
at concentrations of 1000, 1500 and 2000 ppm on the same time.
In general, foliar application of Cobalt Sulfate and Choline
Chloride were significantly reduced fruitlets abscission, while
the minimum value was recorded in Choline Chloride at 2000 ppm
followed by Choline Chloride at 1500 ppm with no significant
differences. All treatments increased the number of harvested
fruits per tree in both seasons. Low concentrations of both
Cobalt Sulfate and Choline Chloride were more effective on
physical characteristics. It was increased fruit weight, volume
and pulp weight. Fruit firmness was increased by spraying Cobalt
Sulfate at 300 or Choline Chloride at 1500 ppm. The application
of Cobalt Sulfate and Choline Chloride significantly increased
SSC, SSC/TA ratio and total sugars while, ascorbic acid was
decreased with almost treatments, except the treatments of
Cobalt Sulfate at 200 ppm or Choline Chloride at 2000 ppm in the
second season only.
T. Wahdan. Effects Of Cobalt Sulfate And Choline Chloride On
Fruiting And Fruit Quality Of Mango Cv. Succary Abiad.
Life Science
Journal. 2011;8(1):337-343] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Key words:
Mango, Cobalt Sulfate, Choline Chloride, fruiting, fruit
quality. |
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Using Nonwoven
Hollow Fibers to Improve Cars Interior Acoustic Properties
Abdelfattah, A.
Mahmoud1, Ghalia E. Ibrahim and Eman R. Mahmoud2
Acoustic Dept.,National Institute for Standards, Giza, Egypt
Weaving and Knitting Dept, Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan
The necessity
and importance of protecting our environment is evident in this
time and the high developed industrial nations are responsible
in the first position The industrial fabrics industry will
continue to develop to meet the needs of society and the growth
of the industry is assured because industrial fabrics are
leading the way for materials to be structured to solve problems
and to be engineered to meet the special performance of
products. In the past few years, car manufacturers have focused
on automobile interiors from a merely function as not only do
interior trims serve to differentiate models, but materials and
designs can also be used to tailor the same model to different
target groups. This research aims to produce nonwoven fabrics
that can be used in car interior components (head liners, doors,
side panels and trunk liners) to prevent noise from reaching the
passenger compartment and so achieving comfort in the car
interior. Two kinds of fibers were used polyester and hollow
polyester fibers, both of 6 denier, to produce three different
fabrics of 100 % polyester fibers, 75 % polyester /25 % hollow
polyester fibers, and 55 % polyester /45 % hollow polyester
fibers. Four fabric weights were produced 300, 400, 500 and 600
g/m2. All samples were bonded using thermal bonding
technique. More results were reached, for examples, samples
produced with high percentage of hollow fibers had recorded the
highest rates of sound absorption, whereas samples produced with
100% polyester fibers have recorded the lowest rates. It was
also found that there are direct relationship between weight per
m2 and sound absorption efficiency. All samples have
achieved the expected results and sample produced with 55%
polyester/45% hollow polyester fibers and 600 g/ m2,
have achieved the best results.
A. Mahmoud, Ghalia E. Ibrahim and Eman R. Mahmoud. Using
Nonwoven Hollow Fibers to Improve Cars Interior Acoustic
Properties. Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):344-351] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Nonwoven fabrics, Hollow Fibers, Cars Interior, Acoustic
properties, sound insulation |
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Participatory Rural Communication Appraisal (PRCA) A New Tool
for Rural Development (Case Study Khouzestan Province, Iran)
Ahmad Reza Ommani
Assistant Professor
Agricultural Management Department, Islamic Azad University
Shoushtar Branch, Shoushtar,Iran.
Participatory Rural
Communication Appraisal (PRCA) is suitable tool to identify,
prioritize and analyze of needs and problems of the people,
while opportunities and solutions existing in the community are
discovered. PRCA specifically seeks to discover issues to
resolution through the application of communication. The method
of this research was qualitative research with semi structure
interview. At this research 5 analytical loops organized. In
each loop one facilitator person and 6 to 9 farmers as analyzer
were exist. By using different PRCA techniques such as matrix,
community map, cause and effect diagram, factor analysis
diagram, tree diagram etc, identified educational needs,
situation geographical and natural resources and cause of
environmental destruction based on farmers view. Application
Participatory Rural Communication Appraisal (PRCA) A New Tool
for Rural Development (Case Study Khouzestan Province, Iran).
Reza Ommani. Application Participatory Rural Communication
Appraisal (PRCA) A New Tool for Rural Development (Case
Study Khouzestan Province, Iran).
Life Science
Journal. 2011;8(1):352-355] (ISSN:1097–8135).
PRCA, Rural Development, Watershed |
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Study on
Variation Effects Caused by Ion Beam-mediated Transformation
Whose Transformation Receptor is Wheat’s Segregation Population
Gu Yunhong, Gao Fei, Qi Yanlei, Jiao Zhen
Henan Province Ion
Beam Bio-engineering Key Laboratory, Physics Department of
Zhengzhou University,
Zhengzhou 450052,
Henan Province, China
To provide
theory evidence for ion beam transformation used in traditional
breeding easily, the variation effects were studied that wheat’s
segregating population seeds were used as transformation
receptor via ion beam implantation. Wheat’s F2 segregating
population seeds of two hybridization combination were used as
transformation receptor via ion beam implantation, and the
genome DNA of Hongmang wheat and Hexaploid Triticale were used
as transformation donor.The result showed that the germination
rate of different transformation combination was different. The
coefficient variability of spike length of wheat main axic
increased significantly. The average of plant height had
decreasing trend. Both the average and coefficient variability
of grain’s quality characters had decreasing
trend. All the above results show that after doing ion
beam-mediated transformation to segregation population seed, the
coefficient variability of some characters could increase
significantly, in another word, ion beam-mediated transformation
could widen the variation spectrum of some characters.
Yunhong, Gao Fei, Qi Yanlei, Jiao Zhen. Study on Variation
Effects Caused by Ion Beam-mediated Transformation Whose
Transformation Receptor is Wheat’s Segregation Population Seed.
Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):356-362] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Key words:
Transformation mediated by ion beam implantation; Wheat; Segregating population |
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Effect of
Mercuric Oxide Toxicity on some Biochemical Parameters on
Cat Fish Clarias gariepinus Present in the River
Mona, S. Zaki*1,
Nabila, Elbattrawy2 Olfat M. Fawzi3,
Isis Awad3and Nagwa, S. Atta4
of Hydrobiology, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt
of Microbiology, Reproductive institute, Cairo, Egypt
of Biochemistry, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt
of Microbiology, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt
Abstract: The effect of dietary carbohydrates and mercuric oxide on
haematalogical profile, blood chemistry and hormonal level was
studied in African cat fish (Clarias gariepinus). Fish
were divided into 3 groups (n=10), exposed to different doses of
mercuric oxide and carbohydrate. Group (1) was served as
control. Group (2) was fed with carbohydrate and mercuric oxide
(10 mg Kg-1 diet ration). Group (3) was fed with
carbohydrate and mercuric oxide (1 5 rng Kg-1 diet
ration). There is a significant decrease in hemoglobin and P .C.V
in group (3). There is a significant increase in serum corlisol,
cholesterol, AST, ALT, urea, creatinine and alkaline phosphorous
in group (3). Also there is a significant decrease in serum
phosphorous, sodium and potassium in treated fish. There is a
significant high level of mercuric content in kidney muscles,
heart and spleen in group (3) suggesting toxic effects of
mercuric oxide on African cat fish (Clarias gariepinus).
The total viable count of bacteria identified higher in fish fed
on carbohydrate mercuric. Predominate bacteria were identified
as, E. coli, Streptococcous, Pseudomonas, and Fluorscences. We
emphasize the finding that an increase carbohydrate
concentration causes harmful pathological effect which reduces
humoral immure responses and enhances dietary mercuric toxicity.
[Mona, S. Zaki,
Nabila, Elbattrawy Olfat M. Fawzi, Isis Awad
and Nagwa, S. Atta.
Effect of Mercuric Oxide Toxicity on some Biochemical Parameters
on African
Cat Fish Clarias gariepinus Present in the River
Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):363-368] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Clarias gariepinis, mercuric pollution, haematalogical,
biochemical, clinicopathological, Bacteria account
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Preoperative Seminal Plasma
Disturbed Oxidant/Antioxidant Milieu Could Predict Failure of
Varicocelectomy as a Therapeutic Modality for Male Infertility
M.Awadallah*1, Jehan H.Sabry1 and Mohamed
M.El Sharkawy2
Departments of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Benha
University, Benha, Egypt
2 General Surgery,
Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
Objectives: To evaluate
seminal plasma (SP) malonaldehyde (MDA), superoxide desmutase
(SOD) and CoQ10 levels in infertile men with and without
varicocele as a trial to evaluate the predictability of their
preoperative estimation for postoperative (PO) improvement of
seminal parameters. Patients & Methods: 70 infertile men; with
(n=35) and without (n=35) and 20 fertile men with (n=10) and
without (n=10) clinically and ultrasonographically diagnosed
varicocele. Infertile men with varicocele were assigned to
undergo bilateral varicocelectomy using subinguinal approach.
All infertile patients had preoperative hormonal profile. Semen
samples were obtained from all men for standard semen analysis
and SP estimation of CoQ10 using high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC), SP MDA using a thiobarbituric acid
reactive substances (TBARS) assay and SP SOD activity by
chemiluminescence. Another semen sample was obtained PO for
standard semen analysis. Results: Baseline data showed a
significant decrease of sperm concentration and percentage of
sperms with rapid progressive motility with significantly higher
percentage of sperms with abnormal morphology and significantly
lower SP CoQ10 and SOD levels with significantly higher SP MDA
levels in infertile men compared to fertile men with significant
difference among infertile men in favor of those free of
varicocele. In all infertile men, there was negative significant
correlation between SP MDA and CoQ10 levels and a positive
significant correlation between SP SOD and CoQ10 levels with
higher significance in those had varicocele. In infertile men
free of varicocele, there was a negative correlation between
sperm count and SP MDA with a positive significant correlation
with SP SOD levels, while in infertile men with varicocele, the
correlation was significant between SP SOD and the three seminal
parameters and between the percentage of abnormal sperm forms
and SP MDA and CoQ10. PO sperm count showed a negative
significant correlation with preoperative SP MDA levels, while
the correlation was positive significant with SP CoQ10 and SP
SOD levels. Regression analysis identified high preoperative SP
SOD level as significant predictor of improvement of sperm count
after varicocelectomy. ROC curve analysis defined preoperative
SOD level at ≥88 U/ml as a specific predictor for PO improvement
of sperm count, while identified preoperative SP MDA level at
≥0.53 nmol/ml and SP CoQ10 at cutoff point of 0.12 µg/ml could
identify infertile men with varicocele most probably will not
get benefit of varicocelectomy. Conclusion: Combined varicocele
and disturbed oxidant/antioxidant system could be the underlying
mechanism for varicocele associated male infertility and highly
disturbed oxidant/antioxidant system could influence the outcome
of varicocelectomy as a therapeutic modality. Preoperative
estimation of SP levels of MDA and SOD could aid to predict the
outcome of varicocelectomy.
M.Awadallah, Jehan H.Sabry and Mohamed M.El Sharkawy.
Preoperative Seminal Plasma Disturbed Oxidant/Antioxidant Milieu
Could Predict Failure of Varicocelectomy as a Therapeutic
Modality for Male Infertility. Life Science Journal.
2011;8(1):369-376] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Preoperative; Seminal Plasma; Oxidant/Antioxidant;
Varicocelectomy; Infertility
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Evaluation of
Colletotrichum graminicola as an Eventual Bioherbicide for
Biocontrolling Alisma plantago-aquatica in Paddy Fields
Mohammad Reza Safari Motlagh1 and Armin Javadzadeh2
Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic
Azad University, Rasht Branch, Rasht, Guilan Province
41335-3516, Iran. Tel:00989111384168
Department of Plant Breeding and Agronomy, Faculty of
Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz,
Azarbayjan Province Iran
author’s email:
Alisma plantago-aquatica is one of the most important
paddy field weeds in Iran. In this research, Colletotrichum
graminicola was isolated from the said weed and studied as a
biological agent for controlling Alisma plantago-aquatica.
To do so, at first, reactions of five rice cultivars including
three indigenous cultivars such as Hashemi, Ali Kazemi and Binam
and two bred ones, i.e. Sepidroud and Khazar to
Colletotrichum graminicola were evaluated. Thus, a random
completely design with three replications and five treatments
was used at a greenhouse. Then, Colletotrichum graminicola
was inoculated on Alisma plantago-aquatica. This
inoculation was done at the 3-4-leaf stage using a spore
suspension consisting of 10 conidia/ml distilled water to which Tween-20
1% was added. Results indicated that the disease rating caused
by the this fungus in the weed was more than that in the studied
rice cultivars. Also, the fungus had a significant effect on the
height, fresh weight and dry weight of Alisma
plantago-aquatica and reduced them. Furthermore,
Colletotrichum graminicola had a significant effect on all
the studied rice cultivars and significantly reduced their
heights and fresh weights. With consideration of the results of
this research, Colletotrichum graminicola is not
recommended as a probable mycoherbicide for biological
controlling Alisma plantago-aquatica in paddy fields,
unless more tolerant rice cultivars are used when using it.
Reza Safari Motlagh and Armin Javadzadeh.
Evaluation of Colletotrichum graminicola as an Eventual Bioherbicide for Biocontrolling Alisma plantago-aquatica
in Paddy Fields. Life Science
Journal. 2011;8(1):377-382 (ISSN:1097–8135).
Alisma plantago-aquatica; biological control;
Colletotrichum graminicola; rice |
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Investigation of
the possibility to prepare supervised classification map of
gully erosion
Torkashvand, A1 and Shadparvar, V.2
Azad University-Rasht Branch
Islamic Azad University-Rasht Branch,
This study was
done to investigate the possibility providing gully erosion map
by the supervised classification of satellite images (ETM+) in
two mountainous and plain land types. These land types were the
part of Varamin plain, Tehran province, and Roodbar sub-basin,
Guilan province, as plain and mountainous land types,
respectively. The position of 652 and
124 ground control points were recorded by GPS respectively in
mountain and plain land types. Soil gully erosion, land uses or
plant covers were investigated in these points. Regarding ground
control points and auxiliary points, training points of gully
erosion and other surface features were introduced to software (Ilwis
3.3 Academic). The supervised classified map of gully erosion
was prepared by maximum likelihood method and then, overall
accuracy of gully erosion map was computed. Results
showed that the possibility supervised classification of gully
erosion isn’t possible, although it need more studies for
results generalization to other mountainous regions. Also, when
land uses and other surface features to increase in plain
physiography, it will be decreased the classification of
Mohammadi Torkashvand, Vahid Shadparvar.
Investigation of
the possibility to prepare supervised classification map of
gully erosion.
Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):383-386]
Supervised classification, Gully erosion, Map |
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Design, Synthesis, and
Docking Studies of Novel Diarylpyrazoline and Diarylisoxazoline
Derivatives of Expected Anti-inflammatory, and Analgesic
Gehan Hegazy Hegazy1,
Ghaneya Sayed Hassan1*, Nahla Ahmed Farag2,
Amal Yousef3
of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo
University, Egypt.
2Department of
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Misr
International University, Egypt.
of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.
Two series of novel non
acidic 3, 5-diarylpyrazoline and 3, 5-diarylisoxazoline
derivatives were designed to be synthesized and screened for
anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities. In addition,
molecular modelling and docking of the designed compounds into
cyclooxygenase II (COX-II) using Molsoft ICM 3.4-8C program was
performed in order to predict the affinity and orientation of
the designed compounds at the active site compared with its
binding inhibitor celecoxib. The ICM score values show good
agreement with predicted binding affinities, where all the
designed compounds exhibit ICM score values (range from -88.89
to -70.40) less than celecoxib (-60.71) revealing higher binding
affinity with the enzyme. Accordingly, synthesis of the designed
compounds via reaction of various propenone derivatives
with hydrazine hydrate, phenyl hydrazine or hydroxylamine
hydrochlorides were carried out. Evaluation of their activity as
anti-inflammatory and analgesics using dextran-induced rat paw
edema, formaldehyde arthritis test and paw pressure test,
respectively and their ability to induce gastric toxicity was
also estimated. All the synthesized compounds exhibited
significant activity as anti-inflammatory and analgesic, where
compounds 2 and 8 were the most active as
anti-inflammatory in dextran-induced rat paw edema, while
compounds 7 and 10 were the most active as
anti-inflammatory in formaldehyde- induced arthritis rat paw
edema test. All compounds showed analgesic activity with the
most potent compounds were 3, and 10 were the most
active. No one of the tested compounds cause gastric toxicity.
We can conclude that the synthesized compounds proved a
successful hit and seem potentially attractive as
anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents.
Hegazy Hegazy, Ghaneya Sayed Hassan, Nahla Ahmed Farag, Amal
Yousef. Design, Synthesis, and Docking Studies of Novel
Diarylpyrazoline and Diarylisoxazoline Derivatives of Expected
Anti-inflammatory, and Analgesic Activities. Life Science
Journal. 2011;8(1):387-396]. (ISSN:1097–8135).
Diarylpyrazoline, Diarylisoxazoline, Anti-inflammatory,
cyclooxygenase II inhibitor, analgesic, docking, Internal
Coordinate Mechanics (ICM) |
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water and saline as
a Contrast
agent to Enhance MRI Images
Samir M. Badawi
1, Wael Abou EL-wafa. Ahmed 2, Yasser
M. Kadah 3
industrial electronics and control engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Monoufia University, Egypt
Biomedical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Egypt
3 Biomedical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo
Cairo, Egypt
MRI image
enhancements have been carried out using different contrast
agents. In this research we started with testing the effect of
accurately pre-specified magnetized water
on MRI received signal, and then considered the
magnetized-saline (MS) as a new MRI brain
contrast agent (CA).A 40 years old 80kg male injected with 250ml
MS. Couple groups of MRI images were
performed over the same circumstantial conditions and MRI
protocol; before and after the injection.
The focused study on MRI showed a
significant difference in image intensities after injecting the
MS compared to normal MRI images, and water contour of
the white matter in T2 WIS is more
obvious than before saline injection series. Further
quantitative measurements applied using
MATLAB genetic algorithm. Leading to the
result; magnetized saline injection affect signal intensity and
enhance contrast in MRI brain images.
M. Badawi, Wael Abou EL-wafa. Ahmed, Yasser M. Kadah.
Magnetized water and saline as a
Contrast agent to Enhance MRI Images. Life Science Journal.
2011;8(1):397-401] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Image contrast; MRI; magnetized water; enhancement |
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Pathogenicity of
Aeromonas on Embryonated Chicken Eggs
Zeinab. M.S. Amin
Girh1, K.M. Mahgoub1, Nagwa Rabie, S.1 ;
Sahar A. Zoo El-Fakar2 and M.A. Kutkat1
Research Centre, Poultry Diseases Dep.
University Fac. of Vet. Med. Poultry Diseases Dep.
Pathogenicity of
Aeromonas on embryonated chicken eggs was studied in
three species of Aeromonas : (Aeromonas hydrophila, Aeromonas
caviae and Aeromonas sobria) in embryonated chicken eggs
either by inoculation via yolk sac route or dipping of egg
incubated for till hatching . The criteria of judgment was
mortality , hatchability, reisolation from dead embryo,
histopathological changes in liver, yolk sac of dead embryo on
hatched chicks Yolk sac inoculation of three species of
Aeromonas in a dose 1.5x 107/ml gave 100% embryonic
mortalities after 3 days and the reisolation from liver 83%,
75%, 50%, respectively and from yolk sac 91.6%,75%,66.6%
respectively. In dipped eggs in media contains three Aeromonas
species in adose 1.5x107/ml gave embryonic
mortalities 25%, 33.4%, 17% respectively reisolation rate of
Aeromonas species from liver 33.3%, 25%, 0% respectively and
from yolk sac 100%, 50%, 100% respectively while hatchability
was 75%, 66.6% and 83% respectively. Hatched chicks showed
pathological changes in both liver and intestine.
Finally the results indicated that, Aeromonas strains (A.hydrophila,
A.caviae, A.sobria) were highly pathogenic for chicken and
causing embryo mortalities and decrease of the hatchability.
M.S. Amin Girh, K.M. Mahgoub, Nagwa Rabie, S.,;
Sahar A. Zoo El-Fakar
and M.A. Kutkat.
Pathogenicity of Aeromonas on Embryonated Chicken Eggs.
Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):402-407] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Pathogenicity, Aeromonas,
embryonated |
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Perceptions of Forestry and Rangeland Department Specialists on
the Role of Extension-Education Activities to Protect Forests
(Case of Mazandaran Province, Iran)
Mohammad Abedi1, Mohammad Sadegh Allahyari2
and Sharareh Khodamoradi3
of Agricultural Management, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr
Branch, Iran
of Agricultural Management, Islamic Azad University, Rasht
Branch, Iran
of Agricultural Extension Education, Islamic Azad University,
Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of
forestry and rangeland department specialists in Sari Township
regarding the role of extension
and education in protection of forests.
The population of this study included 230 forest specialists in
Sari Township. A stratified random sample of 140 specialists was
selected. The research design used for this study utilized
descriptive survey research methodology. A questionnaire was
developed to assess role of extension-education
programs in protection of forests.
Findings revealed that education of youth and children at the
elementary and secondary school level is also necessary and
important in forest protection and conservation. Also results
showed that inform to public about worth of forest is very
important in protection of forest. The study showed that
extension-education methods are important factors in protection
of forests.
[Mohammad Abedi, Mohammad Sadegh Allahyari and Khodamoradi.
Perceptions of Forestry and Rangeland Department Specialists on
the Role of Extension-Education Activities to Protect Forests
(Case of Mazandaran Province, Iran).
Life Science Journal. 2011;8(1):408-411] (ISSN: 1097 – 8135).
Forest, rangeland, perception, protection, extension method |
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Dental Caries
Prevalence among a group of Egyptian Nurseries Children
Abou El-Yazeed, M.*;
Rashed, M. **; El sayed, M. **; Salah, A. *
Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry Department, National
Research Centre, Egypt.
** Pediatric
Dentistry and Dental Public Health Department, Faculty of Oral
and Dental Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.
Dental caries in
children attending nurseries has a significant dental public
health problem and health disparity implications. Aim:
This study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of
dental caries among a group of Egyptian children at nurseries in
El Kalubia Governorate, Egypt. Subjects and Methods: A
total number of 999 Egyptian children 496 boys and 503 girls
with their ages ranged from three years to less than six years. Children were selected randomly and examined from those
attending nurseries. The examined children were subdivided
according to their ages into five age groups with six month
intervals. Clinical examination was conducted at the nurseries
and was exclusively visual with the help of tongue depressor
according to the World Health Organization oral examination
criteria for mass population and carried out under natural day
light with children lying on ordinary desks. Results:
Dental caries prevalence was high among the study subjects
(60.4%) with the mean dmf value 3.31±3.99. The results of this
study showed that the prevalence of dental caries increases with
age and there is no statistically significant difference between
boys and girls (P value equal 0.24). The sequence of caries
attacks follows specific pattern where the right mandibular
first primary molar had the highest caries percentage (36.5 %)
then maxillary molars and maxillary anteriors teeth and finally
the left lower primary lateral incisor which exhibit the lowest
caries percentage (1.00%). Conclusions: Dental caries
prevalence is relatively high among the examined subject and
these findings stress the need for implementing an effective
oral health preventive program for those children as well as an
educational dental health programs for their guardians and
teachers to improve their oral health status.
[Abou El-Yazeed, M.;
Rashed, M.; El sayed, M.; Salah, A. Dental Caries Prevalence
among a group of Egyptian Nurseries Children. Life Science
Journal. 2011;8(1):412-419] (ISSN:1097–8135).
Dental Caries; prevalence; El Kalubia Governorate |
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A retrospective study: The Influence of human
immunodeficiency virus co-infection with hepatitis C virus or
hepatitis B virus on the efficacy with HAART in China AIDS area
KAN Quan-cheng1,LI
LI Zhi-qin2,
LIANG Hong-xia2.
of Pharmacology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou
University, Zhengzhou, 450052, China.
of the infectious disease, the First Affiliated Hospital of
Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, China.
To evaluate the impact of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
co-infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) or hepatitis B virus
(HBV) on the efficacy of highly active anti-retroviral therapy
(HARRT) and analysis on the variable pattern of resistant’s
sites in HIV RNA.The patients were divided into three groups:
HIV/HBV/HCV co-infection group (23 patients), HIV/HCV
co-infection group (168 patients), and HIV-only group (178
patients). All patients in the 3 groups were given the same
HAART, that was, AZT+DDI+NVP, but not given other antivirus
treatment including HCV and HBV antivirus therapy. HIV RNA, HCV
RNA or HBV DNA were detected by real time PCR every 90 days,
meanwhile the counts of CD4+ T lymphocyte
and liver function including ALT(alanine transaminase), AST
(aspartate aminotransferase), and total bilirubin (T-Bil) were
tested. According to the titer of HIV RNA(>104copies/ml)
in sera during the one year HAART, polymerase genes of HIV RNA
were sequenced and analyzed. During one-year HAART, HIV RNA of
HIV-only group, HIV/HBV/HCV co-infection group and HIV/HCV
co-infection group decreased significantly from 6.78±1.08,
6.23±1.34, 6.54±1.23 log copies/ml to 0.53±0.15, 0.67±0.16,
0.43±0.11 log copies/ml respectively (P-Value < 0.001).
And CD4+Tlymphocyte
counts of the three groups elevated significantly from 197±127,
184±113, 213±143 cells/μl to 382±74, 383±70, 378±76 cells/μl
respectively (P-value<0.001). However there were no differences
among the three groups in HIV RNA and CD4+T
cell counts. There were no differences in liver functions
including ALT, AST and T-Bil among the three groups. The
detection of sites of drug resistance: the major mutant sites to
AZT+DDI were at M41L, E44A, K70KR, D67N, L210W, T215Y or K219W
which were highly resistant and to NVP were at A98G, V179H,
Y181C,K103N or G190A which were highly resistant in the 3
groups. Meanwhile, the rates resistant of emergence were similar
and there were no sites to 3TC and protease inhibitors (PIs) in
the above HAART groups. HIV co-infected with HBV and/or HCV does
not impact on the efficacy of HAART. What more, HAART does not
impact HCV replication.
[ZHAO Jie, YU Zu-jiang, KAN
Quan-cheng, LI Xiao-fei, LI Zhi-qin, LIANG Hong-xia. A
retrospective study: The Influence of human immunodeficiency
virus co-infection with hepatitis C virus or hepatitis B virus
on the efficacy with HAART in China AIDS area. Life Science
Journal. 2011;8(1):420-424] (ISSN:1097-8135).
Key words:
HIV; Co-infection; High active anti-retroviral therapy |
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53 |
manuscripts in this issue are presented as online first for
peer-review, starting from November 12, 2010.
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